October 2,or Non-violence Day


Zodiac Sign Libra

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October: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 
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LibraOctober 2Born on this day never get confused in words. They are usually very frank in expressing their opinions and rarely leave doubts about what they think on a particular issue.

However, they make the greatest impression with their restraint and ability to speak clearly, critically and witty.

Those born on this day will let you know about their feelings without getting annoyed or even upset.

Born 2 October are sometimes too critical or sharp-tongued, which, accordingly, can cause hostility from those who take their words too literally or as a personal insult.



Libra men born on October 2:
  • differ in the following distinctive features:
  • charming, 
  • educated, 
  • harmonious, 
  • sophisticated.
  • The Libra man is an excellent psychologist and advisor.
  • However, he himself hardly decides to take a crucial step, so the best companion for him is a woman who will be a support and assistant, instill confidence and help achieve his goals.
  • A family idyll for the representative of this sign is the main reward.
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Libra women born on October 2:

  • are not like others in such qualities:
  • charming, 
  • patient, 
  • diplomatic, 
  • sophisticated.
  • Libra women are a little conservative, they like it when you can understand in advance what will happen next, they are not prone to adventures.
  • Conservatism is also manifested in the appearance of Libra women: having found their own style, they do not change it for many years. 
  • They dress elegantly and tastefully, but do not follow fashion trends, and extravagance and outrageousness are completely unacceptable for them.
Main event

International Day of Non-violence

The family also needs to establish a culture of peace, tolerance, understanding and non-violence
The family also needs to establish a culture of peace, tolerance, understanding and non-violence

"There is a lot that I am willing to die for, but there is nothing I am willing to kill for". 
Mahatma Gandhi

The International Day of Non-Violence, established by the UN General Assembly resolution of June 15, 2007, is celebrated annually on October 2 in many countries of the world.

The date was not chosen by chance: Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the independence movement in India and founder of the philosophy of non-violence, was born on October 2, 1869.

In accordance with the UN resolution, the International Day serves as an additional reason to “promote non-violence, including through educational and public awareness”. The document confirms the "universal significance of the principle of non-violence", as well as the desire to "establish a culture of peace, tolerance, understanding and non-violence."

The State Minister for International Affairs of India, Anand Sharma, introducing this resolution on behalf of 140 authors to the General Assembly, stated that “a wide and diverse range of document creators reflects a feeling of deep respect for Mahatma Gandhi, as well as the continued importance of his philosophical views.” In his speech, he cited the following statement by the deceased leader: “Non-violence is the greatest power in the hands of mankind. It is more powerful than the most powerful destructive weapons generated by human ingenuity. ”

The “No to Violence” sculpture by K.F. Reutersuord is installed on a pedestal in front of the visitors' entrance to the UN Headquarters complex.
The “No to Violence” sculpture by K.F. Reutersuord is installed on a pedestal in front of the visitors' entrance to the UN Headquarters complex.

The principle of non-violence, also known as non-violent resistance, denies using physical violence to achieve social or political change.

It is believed that there are three main categories of non-violent action:
  • protest and persuasion (this includes, in particular, holding marches and pickets);
  • non-cooperation;
  • non-violent intervention (for example, blocking movement or seizing premises without harming people).
Often characterized as the “politics of ordinary people”, this form of social struggle was adopted by the broad masses of the population all over the world in the struggle for social justice. In the modern world, where violence and social injustice, unfortunately, is still very much, and, besides, the number of armed conflicts and clashes in different countries is large, Non-Violence Day is a very relevant and important date.

Also on October 2...

1187 - Sultan of Egypt and Syria, Saladin, after a short siege, captured Jerusalem, which served as the occasion for the beginning of the Third Crusade.

1608 - Hans Lippershay presented his invention to the Dutch government - a prototype of an optical telescope.

1836 - Charles Darwin returned from his incomplete five-year round-the-world voyage on the ''Beagle'' ship, which led to the creation of his theory of evolution.

1852 - William Ramsay (d. 1916) was born, a Scottish chemist who discovered the inert gases argon, krypton, xenon, and neon, and was awarded the Nobel Prize (1904).

1869 - Mahatma Gandhi (d. 1948), one of the leaders and ideologist of the national liberation movement of India, was born.

1879 - Russian self-taught mechanic Fyodor Blinov received a patent for a “car with endless rails” - a prototype of a crawler tractor.

1904 - Graham Green (d. 1991) was born, an English writer.

1928 - ''Opus Dei'' organization was founded in Madrid, which became widely known thanks to the Dan Brown novel “The Da Vinci Code”.

1931 - Sir Thomas Johnston Lipton (b. 1850), English lord, founder of the Lipton tea company, died.

1936 - in the United States, the first after the ''dry law '' cancellation, manufacturing of alcoholic beverages was opened.

1946 - premiere of the first “soap opera” “Far Hill” on the ''DuMont'' television network.

1951 - Sting was born, an English rock musician, singer, songwriter.

1955 - ENIAC (Electronical Numerical Integrator and Calculator) was solemnly given to the Museum of the US Military Academy.

1971 - the first great success of the English singer Rod Stewart: his album “Every Picture Tells A Story” became the head of the English chart for six weeks.

1988 - TNT (Turner Network Television) went on the air.

1991 - computer giants ''Apple'', ''IBM'', and ''Motorola'' agreed to create an alliance directed primarily against ''Microsoft'', to create the ''PReP'' platform.

1997 - it was officially announced that a human gene that provides the functions of a biological clock was discovered in Japan.

2000 - scientists from the American government organization ''Ames Laboratory'' created a new super-hard material that is second only to diamond in hardness.

2002 - in Japan, the world's first robot collector went on sale.


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