October 21, Magellan discovered the strait, later called the Strait of Magellan


Zodiac Sign Libra

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LibraOctober 21There is no doubt that those born on this day clearly differ from the people around them both in terms of uniqueness and in terms of originality of views.

Despite the fact that these people can be charming and noteworthy in various situations, they are very often despots, especially with regard to private matters.

In fact, they have a complex personality that is not made easier by their overtly critical approach to life.

Born 21 October value harmony and tranquility very much and often strive to improve their surroundings, however, even insignificant little things may bother them, and the failures of loved ones get on their nerves.


Libra men born on October 21:
  • can boast of the following qualities: 
  • educated, 
  • dreamy, 
  • harmonious, 
  • successful.
  • The Libra man is an excellent psychologist and advisor.
  • However, he himself hardly decides to take a crucial step, so the best companion for him is a woman who will be a support and assistant, instill confidence and help achieve his goals.
  • A family idyll for the representative of this sign is the main reward.

Libra women born on October 21:

  • are characterized by the following qualities: 
  • fair, 
  • well-groomed, 
  • pliable, 
  • feminine.
  • Libra women are a little conservative, they like it when you can understand in advance what will happen next, they are not prone to adventures.
  • Conservatism is also manifested in the appearance of Libra women: having found their own style, they do not change it for many years. 
  • They dress elegantly and tastefully, but do not follow fashion trends, and extravagance and outrageousness are completely unacceptable for them.
Main event

Photo of the Strait from the satellite.
Photo of the Strait from the satellite made by MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA / GSFS, author  Jacques Descloitres,

Until 1914, the Strait of Magellan was the only one safe route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

October 21, 1520

Magellan discovered the strait, later called the Strait of Magellan ( Magellan Strait) 

In September 1522, a heavily battered ship entered the Spanish harbor of Sanlucar de Barrameda. Exhausted, ragged, exhausted people went ashore, knelt and kissed their native land. This returned the ship "Victoria", the only one from the flotilla of Ferdinand Magellan, who left the harbor on September 20, 1519. 18 sailors - that's all who stayed out of the 265 people who went on a long journey.

A flotilla of five small ships - "Trinidad", "San Antonio", "Santiago", "Concepcion" and "Victoria" went to find the strait in South America, that is, the shorter way from Spain to the richest countries - India and to the Islands of Spice (Indonesia).

When crossing the Atlantic, Magellan used his signaling system, and the fleet of various types of ships was never separated.

In late December, he reached La Plata, explored the bay for about a month, but did not found a passage to the South Sea. Instead, Magellan saw the wide creek of the River La Plata. It became colder and colder with farther sailed to the south. Magellan decided to spend the winter in the bay of San Julian.

And here the next night a rebellion broke out: three out of five ships were out of obedience. The rebel captains demanded that Magellan turn back to Spain. But Magellan was able to suppress the rebellion.

In August 1520, Magellan sent for reconnaissance the smallest ship, the Santiago. It died, but people, fortunately, were saved. So without waiting for good weather, Magellan left the wintering place and two months later he was near a narrow rocky passage, not at all like a strait. However, the reconnaissance ships returned four days later with good news: the strait was found!

On October 21, 1520, the flotilla entered it and began to slowly moving forward among its winding shores until an unknown ocean opened up before the flagship. He met the mariners with sunshine and silence. Magellan called this ocean Pacific.

Magellan himself was not destined to return home - the brave admiral died, interfering in the internecine struggle of the rulers of the islands reached by the expedition, later called the Philippine Islands.

But “Victoria”, after many hard adventures, finally reached her native harbor. Thus ended the world's first round-the-world trip, which was of great importance for science.

The expedition of Magellan, circling around the Earth, confirmed that the Earth is a ball.

The novel of S. Zweig "Magellan" is dedicated to the fate and feat of Magellan.

Today is St. Margaret Klitterou's Day, patroness of business women.

Margaret Kliterou lived in the 16th century. Born and brought up in the bosom of the Anglican Church, she married the rich York butcher John Kliterou and secretly converted to the Catholic faith.

After the death of her husband, she herself led the whole household and became one of the most famous merchants in the city. She was arrested several times for providing asylum to Catholic priests and because she allowed Catholic masses to secretly serve in her home.

She was last arrested in 1586 and sentenced to death for refusing to name her accomplices. Margarita Kliterou was executed on March 25, 1586.

In 1970, she was canonized by Pope Paul VI and almost immediately (apparently because of her business activity) became the patroness of business women.

Also on this day ...

In 213 BC The first described total solar eclipse took place in China.

1520 - Fernan Magellan discovered and passed a strait between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, later named after him.

1833 - Alfred Bernhard Nobel was born, a Swedish researcher, “father of explosives”, founder of a huge industrial empire, Ph.D., academician, founder of the award, perpetuating his name in human memory.

1858 - in Paris, at the premiere of Jean Offenbach's opera Orpheus in Hell, the cancan was first publicly performed. This long-considered obscene dance came onto the stage from city streets. A cancan appeared, of course, in Paris and was performed in the 30s of the XIX century. at public balls.

1923 - in the Deutsches Museum in Munich, Professor Walter Bauserfeld first showed the planetarium to the public.

1926 - in Montreal, the American magician Harry Houdini asked the viewer to strike him in the stomach (the magician died from a blow 10 days later).

1934 - The “great campaign” of the Chinese communists under the leadership of Mao Zedong began in China.

1944 - the crew of the American ship Rubicon mysteriously disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. The ship was found without damage, and there was only a dog on board. The ship was in excellent condition, except for a torn towline hanging from the bow of the ship.

1950 - after the capitulation of the Tibetan army, Chinese troops occupied Tibet. And exactly 9 years later, in 1959, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on the restoration of religious and civil liberties in Tibet.

1956 - born Carrie Fisher, American actress, screenwriter and prose writer. She gained fame thanks to the performance of the role of Princess Leia Organa in the Star Wars movie saga.

1959 - Ken (Kensaku) Watanabe, Japanese actor (“Beginning”, “Ashes and Snow”, “Last Samurai”, “Memoirs of a Geisha”, “Batman: Beginning”) was born.

1970 - a simultaneous wedding of 777 couples took place in the Korean church.

1997 - Elton John's song “Candle in the Wind”, dedicated to the memory of Princess Diana, became the most popular single in the history of pop music: during the month 31.8 million copies were sold.

2002 - Thirteen root DNS servers were subjected to a DDoS attack that lasted for almost an hour. Different sources call different numbers of attacked servers: seven, nine, thirteen. An attack of this magnitude happened for the first time, and the Network survived.

2015 - “Back to the Future” Day was celebrated in honor of the date from the film “Back to the Future-2”.


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