October 22, International Stuttering Awareness Day


Zodiac Sign Libra

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LibraOctober 22Related themes of seduction, attraction, magnetism, and seduction run through all aspects of the lives of those born on October 22nd.

Despite the fact that they usually seduce, many of them are able to lose their heads from the mad desire to satisfy their passion.

In any case, when a representative born on October 22 participates in a romantic infatuation, an inevitable crisis often occurs.

This is especially noticeable if the notorious love triangle arises, since those born on October 22 may wake up too strong, and therefore outrageous feeling of jealousy. Their emotional strength sometimes even breaks the status quo.


Libra men born on October 22:
  • can be proud of the following qualities: 
  • diplomatic, 
  • charming, 
  • unsurpassed demagogue, 
  • sophisticated.
  • The Libra man is an excellent psychologist and advisor.
  • However, he himself hardly decides to take a crucial step, so the best companion for him is a woman who will be a support and assistant, instill confidence and help achieve his goals.
  • A family idyll for the representative of this sign is the main reward.

Libra women born on October 22:

  • are distinguished by special properties: 
  • thoughtful, 
  • fair, 
  • sophisticated, 
  • peaceful.
  • Libra women are a little conservative, they like it when you can understand in advance what will happen next, they are not prone to adventures.
  • Conservatism is also manifested in the appearance of Libra women: having found their own style, they do not change it for many years. 
  • They dress elegantly and tastefully, but do not follow fashion trends, and extravagance and outrageousness are completely unacceptable for them.

One percent of the world's population suffers from stuttering.
One percent of the world's population suffers from stuttering.

October 22

International Stuttering Awareness Day

Every year on October 22, since 1998, the International Stuttering Awareness Day is celebrated around the world. The idea of establishing this date was born with the support of the International Stuttering Association (ISA), founded in 1995 and positioning itself as “the mouthpiece of all stuttering people at the international level”. According to the ISA, about 1% of the world's population suffers from stuttering.

According to the International Classification of Diseases, stuttering is called a speech disorder, which is characterized by frequent repetition or prolongation of sounds, syllables and words, as well as frequent stops or indecision in speech, breaking its rhythmic course. Speech therapy literature interprets the term “stuttering” as: “disturbance of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech caused by the convulsive state of the muscles of the speech apparatus.” Often stuttering is associated with logophobia (verbophobia) - the fear of saying that is a consequence of or the cause of stuttering.

With the wrong attitude of society towards people who stutter, this disturbance of speech can have a serious impact on the emotional state, and hence the person’s life. Which often leads to stress, social anxiety and self-isolation. Children who stutter often become targets of bullying.

Therefore, the organization of the International Day of Stuttering People is only one of the large-scale ISA projects. This Day, which every year is dedicated to a specific topic, hosts various conferences, seminars, meetings and a number of social events aimed at raising the awareness of the wide community about the problems and difficulties that stuttering people have to face in everyday life.

Other ISA projects conducted for the same purpose include publishing a newsletter twice a year, running a special web site, and finding funds for scholarships for people who stutter.

By the way, many people have such a speech defect as stuttering did not prevent them from becoming famous and realizing themselves in those areas where the ability to speak beautifully is required. Among them are film directors, actors, bards, orators, politicians, poets, military leaders, clergymen, TV presenters, and other representatives of public professions.

For example, Demosthenes, Winston Churchill, Marilyn Monroe, Isaac Newton, suffered from stuttering, and among the living now Bruce Willis.


International School Library Day is celebrated in many countries every year on the fourth Monday of October, beginning in 1999 at the initiative of UNESCO. And every year it is devoted to a specific topic.

In 2008, this event reached a new level: The day is converted into a month - also international. Participants of the action could choose any day during the month to hold events dedicated to school libraries. Some, however, were not limited to one day or even a week, but announced long-term events, such as, for example, collecting books throughout the entire month.

Also on this day ...

In 4004 BC, according to a statement made by the Irish Archbishop James Ushcher in 1650 based on the study of the Old Testament, the Act of Creation (the creation of the world by God) took place.

In 1721, the Russian Senate, abolished the title of king, proclaimed Peter the First Emperor. Russia has become an empire.

1797 - Frenchman Andre Jacques Garnerin made the first parachute jump, jumping from a height of 1000 m from a balloon over one of the parks of Paris.

1811 - born Franz Liszt, Hungarian composer, pianist, conductor (Preludes, Faust Symphony, Hungarian Rhapsody).

1844 - Sarah Bernard was born, a French actress.

1883 - The Metropolitan Opera was opened in New York. On the first evening, Gounod's opera Faust sounded.

1929 - Lev Yashin, football player, goalkeeper of Dynamo Moscow and USSR national team, Olympic champion in 1956, winner of the European Cup in 1960, winner of the Golden Ball to the best European football player in 1963, Honored Master of Sport, was born. Recognized as the best goalkeeper of world football of the 20th century, since 1992, the best goalkeeper of the world championship has been awarded the prize in his name.

1938 - Christopher Lloyd, American actor (Doc Brown from Back to the Future) was born.

1938 - inventor Chester Carlson made a photocopy for the first time in history.

1943 - Catherine Deneuve, French actress, was born. The real name is Dorleac. She made her debut in the cinema without receiving a special education. Deneuve is a talented self-taught.

1948 - Robertino Loretti was born, Italian singer.

1952 - Jeff Goldblum, American film actor (“The Fly”, “Jurassic Park”, “Independence Day”) was born.

1960 - Cassius Clay (future Mohammed Ali) won his first fight in the professional arena.

1962 - The Caribbean Crisis erupted: US President John F. Kennedy addressed the establishment of a naval blockade of Cuba in response to the deployment of Soviet medium-range missiles on the island. America first felt uncomfortable in the atomic age, and the world was on the verge of a new war.

1964 - French philosopher and writer Jean-Paul Sartre refuses the Nobel Prize. The reason - the reluctance to "push" ranks on the reader's opinion

1969 - “Led Zeppelin” album “Led Zeppelin II” was released, which will be the first in the UK and in the USA, and the group will be named the best team of the year next year, interrupting the Beatles' many-year hegemony.

1980 - Pope abolished the verdict of 1633, condemning Galileo. Has it really taken 350 years to admit the obvious? But as they say, better later than never ...

1982 - The film “First Blood” appeared on the screens of the USA with Sylvester Stallone as a Vietnam War veteran nicknamed Rambo.

1987 - Joseph Brodsky was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

2000 - The Taliban banned the people of Afghanistan from playing sports in the evenings. That is, individually, locked in a room or a personal gym, of course, possible. And you can’t play football, basketball and other team games in the evening - believers are distracted from prayer.

2009 - the official release of Windows 7.


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