October 10, or Mental Health and Death Penalty Day


Zodiac Sign Libra

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October: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 
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LibraOctober 10Born on this day are careful in financial matters and in business in general. They usually know how to manage money and invest it.

Money for them is not only a reward for labor, but also an indicator that their ship did not leak.

Those born on this day are very calculating and analytical, and from year to year they prove their unsurpassed ability to ensure the prosperity of a personal business, family or organization.

They can be trusted with their opinions on governance issues, and since keeping the business is most important to them, they are usually very reliable.


Libra men born on October 10:
  • have the following features: 
  • sophisticated, 
  • non-conflict, 
  • harmonious, 
  • popular.
  • The Libra man is an excellent psychologist and advisor.
  • However, he himself hardly decides to take a crucial step, so the best companion for him is a woman who will be a support and assistant, instill confidence and help achieve his goals.
  • A family idyll for the representative of this sign is the main reward.

Libra women born on October 10:

  • unlike others in such traits: 
  • adaptable, 
  • charming, 
  • thoughtful, 
  • sophisticated.
  • Libra women are a little conservative, they like it when you can understand in advance what will happen next, they are not prone to adventures.
  • Conservatism is also manifested in the appearance of Libra women: having found their own style, they do not change it for many years. 
  • They dress elegantly and tastefully, but do not follow fashion trends, and extravagance and outrageousness are completely unacceptable for them.

Mental Health Day

Mental Health Day is designed to draw attention to the prevalence of depressive disorders

The initiator of the holiday in 1992 was the World Mental Health Federation.

Mental Health Day is designed to draw attention to the prevalence of depressive disorders, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, drug addiction, epilepsy, mental retardation.

According to WHO, more than 450 million people in the world suffer from mental illness.

Every second person experiences mental problems once in a lifetime. 

Every year more than 150 million people in the world go through periods of depression. 

And in Western countries, every seventh person is either paranoid / schizophrenic, or susceptible to depression and alcoholism what often ends with the commission of crimes or suicides. 

Moreover, most people suffering from mental disorders do not have access to the treatment they need. 

In addition, mental disorders are risk factors for the development of other diseases (HIV, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc.), as well as causing unintentional and deliberate injuries.. 

Experts predict that by 2020, mental disorders will enter the world’s five leading diseases.

Information overloads, political and economic cataclysms in the country contribute to the increase in incidence, and stresses are the harbingers of diseases.

Modern life in itself is stressful: changes in the political, economic life, troubles at work, and just a trip in public transport lead to the fact that a person begins to accept his stresses, and this make a depression not far. 

Stress has become an integral part of the life of modern man. People are struggling with them, not thinking about the need to not fight, but not to allow them happened.

How to stay healthy mentally, practically nobody knows. The nature of the onset of schizophrenia, epilepsy and depressive psychosis remains a mystery to doctors.

According to experts, the destruction of the psyche begins with prohibitions - internal or external. So in any situation, the main thing is to be yourself.

European Day Against the Death Penalty

On September 26, 2007, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe decided to establish a European Day against the Death Penalty, which will be held annually on October 10.

The Council of Europe was a pioneer in the abolition of the death penalty, as a result of which Europe has, since 1997, been de facto a space free of the death penalty, covering 47 countries with a population of over 830 million people.

The member states of the Council of Europe and the EU urge not allow their participation in the death penalty in the third countries, for example, by taking measures to prevent the sale of goods that can subsequently be used to carry out executions.

There have not been a single death penalty in the Council of Europe member states over the past 20 years.

The observance of this Day is a European contribution to the annual World Day Against the Death Penalty celebrated on the same day.

Also on October 10...

1503 - Russian vodka was first obtained by Kremlin monks. Initially, vodka was used as an antiseptic.

1789 - Church property was nationalized in revolutionary France.

1813 - Giuseppe Verdi (d. 1901), Italian composer, was born.

1846 - Triton, Neptune's largest satellite, discovered by the English astronomer William Lassel.

1853 - the first meeting of two great composers - Richard Wagner and Ferenc Liszt - took place. The meeting was organized by the 15-year-old daughter of Liszt Cosim, who was going to marry the conductor Hans von Bülow, List's pupil and director of the Wagner operas. Subsequently, Wagner will become her lover, and after 17 years her husband.

1865 - American John Wesley Hyatt patented a billiard ball. He was the first to find synthetic material to replace the previously used ivory balls and won $ 10,000 in the ongoing competition.

1868 - astronomer James Watson discovered the asteroid of the main belt (106) of Dion.

1874 - the first storm warning in history, was announced in the Russian Empire on the Baltic Sea.

1918 - the passenger ship "Lenster" was torpedoed by the German submarine "SM UB-123", killing more than 500 people. This disaster to this day is the largest in terms of the number of victims in the Irish Sea.

1933 - the world's first washing powder went on sale in the United States.

1957 - US President D. Eisenhower was forced to apologize to the Minister of Finance of Ghana, who get refused to serve in a restaurant in Dover (Delaware) because of the color of his skin.

1963 - the "Treaty on the Prohibition of Testing Nuclear Weapons in the Atmosphere, Outer Space and Under Water" entered into force.

1963 - Edith Piaf (b. 1915), French singer, chansonnier, died.

1967 - the "Treaty on the Principle of the Activities of States for the Exploration and Use of Outer Space" entered into force.

1993 - on tour in Germany, American magician David Copperfield met with German top model Claudia Schiffer, who soon became his bride.

1997 - French actress and animal rights activist Brigitte Bardot was fined $ 1,600 in court for trying to prevent Muslims from sacrificing a lamb.

2004 - Christopher Reeve (b. 1952), American theater and film actor, director, screenwriter, died.

2006 - the beginning of the social network ''VKontakte''.

2009 - Stephen Gateley (b. 1976), one of the leaders of the Irish pop group ''Boyzone'', died.


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