September 29, or World Heart Day


Zodiac Sign Libra

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LibraSeptember 29Born on this day are fighting hard for the stability of their own lives.

At times they feel like the masters of the universe, and at times they are worthless insects. Such mood swings are most often due to a lack of self-confidence.

Many of those born on this day are desperately trying to find peace in the family, but often, without meeting the desired mutual understanding, they leave it, preferring an isolated existence. In this case, they become morose people, whose motto is: "The worse - the better for me."



Libra men born on September 29:
  • can boast of the following features:
  • funny, 
  • charming, 
  • educated, 
  • sophisticated.
  • Libra men are the most faithful and devoted companions in life.
  • They easily and unobtrusively create coziness and harmony in their surroundings, they are non-conflicting and agreeable, they love noisy companies and entertainment.
  • Representatives of this constellation are pleasant to talk to, always friendly, benevolent and cheerful.
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Libra women born on September 29:

  • are not like others in such qualities:
  • refined,
  • attractive, 
  • delicate, 
  • pliable.
  • Libra women are wise and economical.
  • At first glance docile and compliant, they invariably subordinate the course of events to their script.
  • They exert great influence on their companions, giving them subtle advice and guidance.
  • They like to control the situation and calculate all the risks before deciding on something.
Main event

World Heart Day

Take care of your heart!
Take care of your heart!

''Gymnastics, exercise, walking should firmly enter the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain working capacity, health, full and joyful life.''

World Heart Day was first organized in 1999 at the initiative of the World Heart Federation. This action was supported by the World Health Organization (WHO), UNESCO and other significant organizations. Initially, the Day was held on the last Sunday of September, and since 2011 it has a fixed date, September 29.

The goal of introducing a new date is to increase public awareness of the danger posed by the epidemic of cardiovascular diseases in the world, as well as to initiate comprehensive preventive measures against coronary heart disease and cerebral stroke in all groups of the population.

World Heart Day is held under the motto "Heart for Life." In partnership with WHO, the World Heart Federation hosts events in more than 100 countries. The program of the Day of the Heart includes mass health checks, public lectures, performances, scientific forums, exhibitions, concerts, festivals, organized walks and sports competitions. And every year the events held within the framework of the Day of the heart are devoted to a specific topic related to heart health.

Currently, cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death and disability in the world: they kill more than 17 million people every year. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease and stroke include elevated blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose levels, smoking, inadequate intake of vegetables and fruits, increased weight, obesity, and physical inertness.

By the way, an unhealthy lifestyle, which leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases, is most often formed in childhood and adolescence, and the risk of cardiovascular diseases only increases with age. Therefore, prevention should start from childhood.

In addition to a healthy lifestyle, in modern society it is necessary to develop a health culture, which includes regular medical observation for the early detection of diseases and risk factors for their development, stress management skills, and methods for maintaining health in an aggressive environment and environmental degradation . According to the World Heart Federation, 80% of cases of premature death from heart attacks and strokes can be prevented if you lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor tobacco use, nutrition, and physical activity.

Also on September 29...

1650 - Henry Robinson opened the world's first marriage agency in London.

1793 - Tennis was first mentioned in an English sports magazine.

1829 - in London, by order of the then Secretary of the Interior, Robert Peel, a civilian police force was created, later ''Scotland Yard''.

1842 - William Henson published a draft of an airplane with a steam engine for which he filed a patent application on March 28, 1842.

1885 - the first electric trams in England began to walk in Blackpool.

1897 - first performed tango. It happened in Buenos Aires at the ''Olimpo Theater'' at the premiere of the performance “Creole Court”.

1902 - Emil Zola (b. 1840), a French writer, died.

1912 - Michelangelo Antonioni was born (d. 2007), a classic of European author’s cinema, which was called the “poet of alienation and lack of communication”. The focus of his attention is the problems of modern society examined from the angle of philosophy: spiritual necrosis, emotional fatigue, loneliness of people.

1913 - Stanley Kramer (d. 2001) was born, American filmmaker and producer, master of social dramas. ( ''Nuremberg Trials'', ''Reaping the Storm'', ''The Ship of Fools'', ''This Crazy, Crazy, Crazy, Crazy World'' and ''Chained Together'').

1913 - French pilot Maurice Prévost for the first time exceeded the speed of 200 km / h.

1916 - John Rockefeller, founder of ''Standard Oil'', became the first billionaire in the world.

1927 - Willem Einthoven (b. 1860) died, Dutch physiologist, founder of electrocardiography, Nobel laureate (1924).

1930 - George Bernard Shaw refused to accept the peer title.

1951 - 12th satellite of Jupiter, Ananke, was discovered.

1963 - Soviet nuclear submarine ''K-181'' surfaced at the North Pole.

1973 - Wisten Hugh Oden (born 1907), an Anglo-American poet, one of the greatest poets of the 20th century, died.

1998 - financial crisis in Japan led to the largest bankruptcy after the Second World War. It was announced by the leasing company "Japan Leasing Corporation", whose debts exceeded $ 16 billion.

2006 - the crash of the Boeing 737 in Brazil.

2010 - Tony Curtis (b. 1925), an American actor, died.


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