September 26, or Elimination of Nuclear Weapons and Languages Day


Zodiac Sign Libra

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LibraSeptember 26Born on this day are patient perfectionists, confident that there is only one way to get good results - to do it over and over again.

As someone who was asked the way to Carnegie Hall and who replied, "Train," these people really think that practice leads to perfection.

Highly critical, individuals born on this day know perfectly well how to achieve their goals, but they also have the gift of teaching others, if not by instruction, then by example.

They can inspire those who truly admire them. 

All of the above is by no means limited to work.



Libra men born on September 26:
  • possess the following traits: 
  • contemplative, 
  • shy, 
  • objective, 
  • dreamy.
  • Libra men are the most faithful and devoted companions in life.
  • They easily and unobtrusively create coziness and harmony in their surroundings, they are non-conflicting and agreeable, they love noisy companies and entertainment.
  • Representatives of this constellation are pleasant to talk to, always friendly, benevolent and cheerful.
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Libra women born on September 26:

  • are not like others in such qualities: 
  • aesthetic, 
  • sociable, 
  • feminine, 
  • attractive.
  • Libra women are wise and economical.
  • At first glance docile and compliant, they invariably subordinate the course of events to their script.
  • They exert great influence on their companions, giving them subtle advice and guidance.
  • They like to control the situation and calculate all the risks before deciding on something.
Main event

The International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

September 26

A sculpture depicting St. George the Victorious, striking the dragon, was created using fragments of the Soviet SS-20 rocket and the American nuclear rocket Pershing. UN Photo / Milton Grant
A sculpture depicting St. George the Victorious, striking the dragon, was created using fragments of the Soviet SS-20 rocket and the American nuclear rocket Pershing. UN Photo / Milton Grant

"The consequences of any further use of nuclear weapons - whether intentional or by mistake - will be appalling. When nuclear disarmament comes to our common goal, we should not allow any delays - we must act now. " The 8th UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

On September 26, the world celebrates the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons. It is one of the international holidays in the United Nations system and was established in December 2013 by the relevant resolution of the UN General Assembly (No. A / RES / 68/32).

The main goal of establishing this date is to draw the attention of the world community to the need for global nuclear disarmament and to inform the public about the benefits of eliminating nuclear weapons. After all, one of the main tasks of mankind is to achieve peace and security on a planet without nuclear weapons.

The total elimination of nuclear weapons in all countries of the world is one of the main and oldest goals in the work of the United Nations. It became the subject of the first resolution of the General Assembly in 1946, in which it was first announced and legally fixed. In subsequent years, this topic was repeatedly included in the agendas and plans of meetings (1959, 1975), and was also identified as one of the priorities of the first special session of the General Assembly on disarmament in 1978, which focused on the issue of nuclear disarmament. In addition, this goal was approved and supported by each of the UN Secretaries-General. As a result, several Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty agreements were signed in different years.

However, despite all the efforts of the UN, and despite the adoption of bilateral and multilateral treaties, as of 2016, not a single nuclear weapon in the world was physically destroyed , and in arsenals around the world there are altogether about 14,500 nuclear weapons.

And today, more than a half of the world's population lives in countries that have nuclear weapons or they are a part of nuclear alliances. Therefore, it is not surprising that every year in the world growing concern about the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of using even one nuclear charge, not to mention a regional or global nuclear war.

However, no negotiations on nuclear disarmament are currently being conducted anywhere. And the countries possessing such weapons, in addition, have developed long-term plans for the modernization of their nuclear arsenals. Therefore, the problem of nuclear disarmament in our time is very acute and is top priority.

The 8th UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons in 2015, recalling the 70th anniversary of the terrible date - the first and last use of nuclear weapons during the war - also expressed regret that today, members increasingly disagree over the ways and time frames for achieving the goal of freeing the world from nuclear weapons. He called on all states to take a constructive approach and find ways to move forward. In addition, according to the leader of the UN, the elimination of nuclear weapons will free up colossal resources that can be used to fulfill the sustainable development agenda for the period until 2030.

After all, the use of nuclear weapons somewhere in one place in the world will lead to a catastrophe on the whole planet. And to avoid such consequences, it is necessary to liquidate it, including other weapons of mass destruction. The only absolute guarantee that nuclear weapons will never be used is its complete elimination.

Given all the facts and the situation that has been created, the UN decided to formally establish this date, the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, in order to remind the participating states once again of the priority task in foreign policy activity, the advantages of disarmament and social and economic costs. And, of course, to once again call for the destruction and limitation of nuclear weapons, in one way or another to minimize its role and participation in the foreign policy of the state.

Today, the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons is celebrated by all countries and their people interested in this goal. Despite the youth of the holiday, various events are taking place this day in countries - flash mobs, demonstrations of short films and distribution of propaganda materials on disarmament and against nuclear weapons. Indeed, this Day will allow the world community to reaffirm its commitment to the cause of global nuclear disarmament as a top priority.

European Day of Languages

European Day of Languages is a young holiday. Its occurrence is due to the fact that the new millennium of UNESCO declared the century of polyglots. And in the first year of the 21st century, the first celebration of "European Day of Languages" took place. The initiators of the creation of such a holiday at one time were the European Commission and the Council of Europe.

It is no coincidence that right now much attention is paid to linguistic diversity. The European Union unites 27 states. But there are much more languages ​​spoken by Europeans. So, the following languages ​​are used equally in European institutions: Estonian, English, Swedish, Czech, Bulgarian, French, Hungarian, Finnish, Greek, Slovenian, Danish, Slovak, Irish, Romanian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, Latvian, Dutch, Lithuanian, Maltese, German. That is a total of 23 officially recognized languages. But besides them, there are still about 60 regional languages ​​and languages ​​of national minorities.

World Contraception Day

On September 26, 2007, on the initiative of several reproductive health organizations, World Contraception Day was first celebrated. This Day is a long-term campaign aimed at all women and men of reproductive age. Its goal is to reduce the high level of unplanned pregnancies.

Also on September 26...

1580 - English pirate Francis Drake completed the second round the world voyage. The voyage lasted 2 years and ten months, and Drake became the first captain who not only began, but also completed the voyage around the world. Drake's pirate raid opened the sea routes, previously known only to the Spaniards and Portuguese, for the British and Dutch, and sharply worsened relations between England and Spain. The Spanish ambassador in England demanded an approximate punishment for the pirate, the return of the goods he had stolen during the voyage (once Drake boarded a Spanish ship with a rich load of gold and silver, the counting of which lasted six days), but Queen Elizabeth showered Drake with favors, gave him the title of baronet, openly walked with him in his garden and listened to stories about his adventures.

1877 - a phonograph was patented in the USA, one of the first devices for the mechanical recording of sound and its reproduction; invented by T.A. Edison.

1898 - George Gershwin (real name Jacob Gershowitz) was born, an American composer (''Porgy and Bess'', ''Rhapsody in Blues Colors'').

1902 - Levy Strauss (b. 1829), American industrialist, founder of ''Levi Strauss & Co''., died.

1934 - ''Queen Mary'' ocean liner launched in England. It was the first ship with a displacement of more than 75,000 tons.

1956 - Linda Hamilton, an American film actress, was born.

1960 - the longest speech in the history of the United Nations was made by the Cuban leader Fidel Castro. He spoke 4 hours 29 minutes.

1961 - American singer Bob Dylan made his concert debut in New York.

1968 - James Cavizel was born, an American actor (''Radio Wave'', ''Passion of Christ'', ''Vikings'').

1973 - Anna Magnani (b. 1908), the first Italian actress to be awarded the ''Oscar'', died.

1983 - Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov prevented a potential nuclear war when, due to a failure in the missile attack warning system, a false message was received about the attack from the United States.

2003 - work of ''Nupedia'', the predecessor of ''Wikipedia'', is stopped.

2008 - an equestrian statue of Genghis Khan was unveiled in Mongolia (Tsongin-Boldog) - the largest of the monuments to Genghis Khan in Mongolia and the largest equestrian statue in the world.

2008 - Paul Newman (b. 1925), American actor and director, race car driver, died.


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