October 20, or Chefs, Statistics and Air Traffic Controllers Day


Zodiac Sign Libra

September: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
October: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 
2021 _ 2020 _ Horoscopes _ Zodiac signs  _  Test  _  Coloring pages  _  Astro cooking

LibraOctober 20Born on this day keep a close eye on what's in vogue and what's out of fashion.

Their authority is so strong that they can independently determine some social trends, but also many of them often find themselves at odds with prevailing social norms and new directions.

Their desire to be not only accepted, but also influential in the public environment is very strong.

Therefore, refusal in this area hits them very painfully, and failures, difficulties or delays can damage their spirit.



Libra men born on October 20:
  • have the following properties: 
  • funny, 
  • sociable, 
  • balanced, 
  • non-conflict.
  • The Libra man is an excellent psychologist and advisor.
  • However, he himself hardly decides to take a crucial step, so the best companion for him is a woman who will be a support and assistant, instill confidence and help achieve his goals.
  • A family idyll for the representative of this sign is the main reward.

Libra women born on October 20:

  • not like others with such properties: 
  • adaptable, 
  • sociable, 
  • well-groomed, 
  • thoughtful.
  • Libra women are a little conservative, they like it when you can understand in advance what will happen next, they are not prone to adventures.
  • Conservatism is also manifested in the appearance of Libra women: having found their own style, they do not change it for many years. 
  • They dress elegantly and tastefully, but do not follow fashion trends, and extravagance and outrageousness are completely unacceptable for them.

International Chefs Day

Mastery of the cook
Mastery of the cook

Every year, on October 20, their professional holiday - Chef's Day - is celebrated by chefs from around the world.

The international date was established in 2004 at the initiative of the World Association of Culinary Communities. This organization, by the way, has 8 million members - representatives of the cook profession from different countries. Therefore, it is not surprising that world-class kitchen professionals have found their holiday.

The celebration of International Chefs Day in more than 70 countries has become widespread. In addition to the culinary directs, representatives of government, employees of travel companies and, of course, owners of catering establishments, from small cafe to famous restaurants, take part in organizing festive events.

They organize skill competitions among cooks, conduct tastings and experiment with the preparation of original dishes.

They organize skill competitions among cooks, conduct tastings and experiment with the preparation of original dishes. In a number of countries, equal attention is paid to activities in which children and young people participate. Cooks attend children's schools where children are taught to cook and explain the importance of healthy eating. Young people can learn more about the profession of a chef and get valuable lessons in the art of cooking.

The profession of a cook is one of the most sought after in the world and one of the most ancient. The story, of course, is silent about who first came up with cooking meat or plants collected in the forest.

The first recipes recorded on paper appeared in Babylon, Ancient Egypt and Ancient China, as well as in the countries of the Arab East. Some of them have come down to us in the written monuments of that era, and if desired, anyone can try to prepare dishes that the Egyptian pharaoh or Emperor Celestial tasted.

World Statistics Day

World Statistics Day is celebrated once every five years by decision of the UN Statistical Commission since 2010. Festive years 2010, 2015, 2020, 2025, etc.

World Statistics Day aims to draw public attention to the important work that employees of statistical agencies and organizations carry out every day. By collecting accurate, objective and comparable data, they contribute to a wide range of activities at the national and international levels.

Statistics permeate all aspects of modern life. It serves as the basis for many government decisions in the field of business and public activities. It provides information and insights on the trends and forces that affect our lives. Statistics collected from surveys and censuses are reflected in planning related to schools, hospitals, roads, and more.

During World Statistics Day, countries host events to highlight the role of official statistics and the many achievements of national statistical systems.

International Air Traffic Controllers Day

International Air Traffic Controllers Day is a professional holiday for air traffic controllers and all other workers, involved in air traffic control.

The date of October 20 for the International Day of Air Traffic Controllers was not chosen by chance. On this day in 1961, the ''International Federation of Air Traffic Control Associations'' was created in the capital of the Netherlands, Amsterdam. This event, important for standardizing the management of cargo and passenger air transportation, marked the beginning of a new professional holiday.

Today, tens of thousands of air traffic controllers work in the world, and more than five million people every day are literally entrusted their lives to air traffic controller.


On this day, October 20, 2014, a catastrophe occurred at ''Vnukovo Airport'' in Moscow, which entailed the death of four people. One of the culprits of the accident is considered an air traffic controller.

Also on October 20...

1517 - Portuguese nobleman Fernan Magellan (Fernão de Magalhães) arrived in Seville to serve the Spanish crown.

1616 - Thomas Bartolin (d. 1680) was born, a Danish anatomist who discovered the human lymphatic system.

1671 - all bachelors in New France (North America) are ordered to marry only girls from France.

1806 - the vessel ''HMS Athenienne'' sank in the Strait of Tunisia; 347 people died.

1818 - England and America set the border at the 49th parallel between Canada and the United States.

1880 - Lydia Maria Child (b. 1802), American writer, fighter for the rights of women and Indians, died.

1911 - the expedition of R. Amundsen went to the South Pole.

1920 - voters in British Columbia (Canada) voted against adoption of alcohol prohibition law.

1920 - ''Aeronautical Corporation Of America'' made the first test flight of its first ''Aeronca C-2'' aircraft.

1932 - Giovanni Battista Pirelli (b. 1848), Italian engineer, politician, entrepreneur, founder of the ''Pirelli'' concern, died.

1945 - for the first time, women of France were granted suffrage.

1947 - a commission to investigate anti-American activities began a hearing on the penetration of Communists into Hollywood.

1947 - Angela Brambati was born, an Italian singer, a member of the pop group "Ricchi e Poveri".

1953 - Ray Bradbury's “451 degrees Fahrenheit” dystopia was published in the United States.

1953 - Canada's first private television station opens in Sudbury, Ontario.

1955 - publication of ''The Return of the King'', the last installment of ''The Lord of the Rings''.

1956 - Lawrence Bell (b. 1894), an American aircraft designer, creator of the world's first supersonic aircraft, died.

1958 - Viggo Mortensen was born, an American actor, a three-time ''Oscar'' nominee, a four-time ''Golden Globe'' nominee.

1960 - a trial was opened in a London court, in the case of David Lawrence novel ''Lady Chatterley’s lover'', which was banned for 30 years.

1964 - ''Rolling Stones'' gave their first concert in Paris. As a result of the unrest, 150 people were arrested.

1968 - former First Lady of the United States, Jacqueline Kennedy, married the Greek oligarch Aristotle Onassis.

1971 - Snoop Dogg was born, an American rap musician and film actor.

1993 - Dutch government decided to ban the sale of marijuana and hashish to foreign tourists. This restriction did not affect local citizens.

1993 - a movie star, the spider Belinda, who starred in the James Bond and Indiana Jones films, passed away at the London Zoo.

1994 - Bert Lancaster (b. 1913), American actor, winner of the Oscar and Golden Globe awards died. One of the most successful actors in the history of American cinema.

1997 - ''Microsoft'' is accused of violating US antitrust laws.

2002 - first release of the popular British program "Top Gear".

2012 - died Edward Donnall Thomas (b. 1920), an American transplant doctor, Nobel laureate (1990) "for discoveries regarding organ and cell transplantation in the treatment of diseases." It is believed that Thomas was the first to carry out a bone marrow transplant to a person in the treatment of leukemia.


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