October 15, or "The Wall of Love", Rural Women, White Cane and Hand-washing Day


Zodiac Sign Libra

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LibraOctober 15Born on this day decisively defend their independence in all areas - be it in the family, social circle, organization.

They can be the lead actors in the great drama of life, but they can also play an important role as commentator or leader.

Those born on this day are able to exert a strong personal influence on others, either directly or through their work.

By the way, those around you are always very willing to listen to those born on October 15th. This imposes a great responsibility on those born on this day - they should not use their magnetism to lead others off the previously chosen path or for other selfish purposes.



Libra men born on October 15:
  • are distinguished by the following distinctive features: 
  • charming, 
  • unsurpassed demagogue, 
  • sophisticated, 
  • diplomatic.
  • The Libra man is an excellent psychologist and advisor.
  • However, he himself hardly decides to take a crucial step, so the best companion for him is a woman who will be a support and assistant, instill confidence and help achieve his goals.
  • A family idyll for the representative of this sign is the main reward.

Libra women born on October 15:

  • endowed with the following properties: 
  • attractive, 
  • sophisticated, 
  • peaceful, 
  • delicate.
  • Libra women are a little conservative, they like it when you can understand in advance what will happen next, they are not prone to adventures.
  • Conservatism is also manifested in the appearance of Libra women: having found their own style, they do not change it for many years. 
  • They dress elegantly and tastefully, but do not follow fashion trends, and extravagance and outrageousness are completely unacceptable for them.
Main event

"The Wall of Love" appeared in Paris on Montmartre

October 15, 2000

"The Wall of Love" - a landmark of the new time in Paris. Photo from Wikimedia Commons, author Alireza Shakernia.
"The Wall of Love" - a landmark of the new time in Paris. Photo from Wikimedia Commons, author Alireza Shakernia.

Paris is a city woven from history, art, fashion, business life, street cafes, cabaret and, of course, romance. Romantic corners here are not considered, and everyone can find their one and only.

Paris is often called the city of love - for centuries it absorbed love stories, and its stone walls still keep someone's heart secrets and love dramas entangled in intrigues.

In honor of the celebration of the beginning of the 21st century, on October 15, 2000, the so-called “Wall of Love” appeared on the famous Montmartre.

On this building with an area of 40 square meters on a blue background in white letters written declarations of love in 311 languages, that is, in almost all official languages of the world. There is even a braille for the blind, as well as sign language. Everyone here can read in their own language - "I love you" ...

The wall was decorated on the initiative of local merchants by three graffiti artists: Daniel Boulogne, Frederick Baron and Claire Quito.

"The Wall of Love" has become the Paris landmark of the new time.

On Valentine's Day, a symbolic act is performed near the wall - the release of white pigeons.

But on any other day you can enjoy the silence and singing of birds in this secluded place, being in a few steps from Montmartre and at the same time far from the bustle of the big city.


International Day of Rural Women

International Day of Rural Women - is celebrated on October 15 every year, starting in 2008. Proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in the resolution “Improving the Status of Women in Rural Areas”.

Rural Women's Day is designed to remind society how much it owes to rural women, how valuable their work is.

Rural women make up more than a quarter of the world's population. They play a leading role in food production, in the development of rural stability.

And given that 76% of the world's poorest people live in rural areas, providing rural women with access to productive agricultural resources can help reduce global hunger and poverty.

But, despite this, they often do not have the opportunity to protect their right to land, to gain access to vital services, such as medical care, loans or education. Their vital contribution to public life in many countries remains invisible.

How to celebrate this day is entirely up to the concerned organizations and communities themselves. But every year, all events are held under the auspices of the slogan relevant to rural women, whether it is access to credit, to information and communication technologies or clean water.

International Day of the White Cane

It was established on October 15, 1970 at the initiative of the International Federation of the Blind. A white cane - a symbol of a blind person - is a kind of sign of trouble, reminding society that there are people with disabilities nearby and they need help.

The history of the white cane dates back to 1921. It was then that the Englishman James Bigs, who had lost his sight, painted his cane white to be different from ordinary passers-by with canes. He also advised other blind people to do the same. Only 10 years later, the English blind were provided with white canes. Then a white cane appeared in France and became a symbol of a blind person, a pass and a certificate that clearly testifies to his special situation.

Today White Cane Day gathers scientists, statesmen, journalists, doctors and, of course, students with disabilities. The goal is to determine what can be done to support gifted children and youth with disabilities in the framework of the “Overcoming Talent” program.

International Hand-washing Day

The decision to hold such an annual day was made by the UN General Assembly in conjunction with the UNICEF Children's Fund and the World Health Organization in 2008.

The goal of World Clean Hands Day is to promote the need for frequent and proper hand washing by people around the globe, since thorough hand washing with soap and water helps fight a large number of infectious diseases.

Dirty or poorly washed hands can contribute to the transmission and infection of acute respiratory infections and flu, viral hepatitis, dysentery, and a host of other infectious diseases.

Washing hands with soap is one of the simplest, most affordable and effective ways to prevent acute intestinal infections and other diseases and therefore is one of the most important components of personal hygiene for every person.

Human health begins with clean hands!

Also on October 15...

1570 - the city of Pyongyang, now the capital of North Korea, was founded.

1581 - in Paris, the Queen Mother of France, Catherine de Medici, presented to her guests the first ever public ballet - ''The Queen's Comic Ballet''.

1582 - Pope Gregory XIII introduces the Gregorian calendar. In Italy, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Portugal and Spain for October 4 this year follows immediately October 15. In other countries, a new calendar is being introduced later.

1666 - English king Charles II put on his vest for the first time, introducing a new fashion.

1894 - French officer Alfred Dreyfus arrested for espionage. The so-called ''Dreyfus affair'' begins.

1928 - German airship ''Earl Zeppelin'' made its first commercial flight across the Atlantic Ocean.

1932 - national Indian airline ''Air-India'' was founded.

1940 - Charlie Chaplin’s film “The Great Dictator” was released on cinema screens.

1948 - Chris de Burgh, Irish singer and guitarist, was born.

1961 - human rights organization ''Amnesty International'' was founded in London.

1962 - Caribbean crisis: confrontation between the US and the USSR over Soviet nuclear missiles deployed in Cuba begins. Conflict puts the whole world on the brink of nuclear war. After 13 days, the crisis will be resolved.

1968 - the first performance of ''Led Zeppelin'' took place at the University of Surrey.

1973 - Great Britain and Iceland ended the ''cod war'', which began in September 1972 after Iceland unilaterally expanded its coastal fishing zone from 12 to 50 miles. It came to the collision of warships.

1975 - the resumption of the "cod war." Iceland has again expanded its fishing zone - from 80 to 320 kilometers. As a result, West German trawlers became victims of Icelandic coast guard boats.

1997 - the research project of Saturn and Titan - ''Cassini-Huygens'' was launched.

1997 - Andy Green set a new speed record for a ground-driven vehicle by developing a speed of 1,227,986 km / h on a Thrust SSC in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada, USA.

2002 - in the United States, more than six hundred thousand tons of poultry meat is withdrawn from the distribution network. Experts fear that it is infected with a dangerous microbe, which causes fatal diseases in people. The microorganism was discovered as a result of tests in eight states. Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture say that the largest amount of turkey and chicken meat from the entire existence of the Ministry is withdrawn from the sale.

2003 - the first spacecraft with an astronaut, "Shenzhou-5", was launched in China.

2007 - Intel announced the development of a new processor for mobile applications - Intel Atom.

2018 - Paul Allen (b. 1953), an American entrepreneur, co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, died.


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