September 27, or Google's Birthday, Tourism and Maritime Day


Zodiac Sign Libra

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LibraSeptember 27Born on this day are occupied by the mysterious and paradoxical nature of life.

At first glance, they often give the impression of being quite normal people, quite confident in themselves, but the deeper you plunge into their personality, the more weaknesses you discover.

Born 27 September usually act clearly and orderly, especially if others are watching them, but nevertheless they can be overcome by doubts and fears.

Perhaps because they expect too much of themselves, and also in search of excellence (they certainly have a tendency to play heroes or martyrs), many of them even become depressed due to the inability to fulfill the unattainable goals that they have set for themselves.



Libra men born on September 27:
  • possess the following characteristics:
  • sociable, 
  • aesthetic, 
  • friendly, 
  • unsurpassed demagogue.
  • Libra men are the most faithful and devoted companions in life.
  • They easily and unobtrusively create coziness and harmony in their surroundings, they are non-conflicting and agreeable, they love noisy companies and entertainment.
  • Representatives of this constellation are pleasant to talk to, always friendly, benevolent and cheerful.
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Libra women born on September 27:

  • endowed with such differences of nature:
  • adaptable, 
  • aesthetic, 
  • delicate, 
  • charming.
  • Libra women are wise and economical.
  • At first glance docile and compliant, they invariably subordinate the course of events to their script.
  • They exert great influence on their companions, giving them subtle advice and guidance.
  • They like to control the situation and calculate all the risks before deciding on something.

Google's birthday

September 27, 1998

September 27, search engine Google marks as its birthday.

September 27, search engine Google marks as its birthday. But the reason for choosing a date to celebrate the birthday of a popular search engine remains a mystery.
The fact is that:

  • the domain registration date was carried out on September 15, 1997, 
  • on September 7, 1998, Google inc. was registered, 
  • and the search engine itself began operation in 2000. 
  • In addition, until 2006, Google celebrated its birthday on a different dates.

All started in the mid-1990s, when two students from Stanford University, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, developed a search engine called BackRub and checked backlinks to assess the importance of websites. It happened in 1996, well, then - domain and company registration.

As the name “Google” occurred to the founders of the company, it is not known for certain, but it comes from the term “googol”, meaning a number consisting of one and one hundred zeros. Apparently, the creators of the search engine hinted at the incredible amount of information that will be able to provide users with their system. However, the term “googol” was corrected, and the idea to give the name of the company in the form of its erroneous spelling, which became a global brand, was born spontaneously during negotiations with the first investor.

In the late 1990s, Bryn and Page even thought about selling their product, however, by coincidence, the sale did not take place, and Google became a popular search engine in the world, making its creators billionaires.

Today, the system processes over a billion search queries per day.

The popularity of this search engine led to the fact that in the mid-2000s a so-called “to google” neologism appeared, that means, to search for information on the Internet using the Google search engine. The verb "to google" is included in the official dictionaries of many languages (English, Russian ...).

In addition to the actual search engine, Google inc. receives revenues from its various products, such as, for example, the AdWords program, the Gmail mail service, the social network Google+, the Google Chrome browser and others. Constant revenue growth has allowed Google not only to ensure the development of its products, but also to acquire others, giving them further development as part of their own strategy. This is how YouTube, Motorola Mobility, has been absorbed; Earth Viewer project was acquired, etc.

In 2015, a transformation took place, during which Google became a part of the Alphabet Inc. holding. As before, the main focus of investments for the company remains search, advertising, as well as cloud Internet technologies and developments that are gaining popularity.

World Tourism Day

September 27 - World Tourism Day, established by the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization in 1979 in the Spanish city of Torremolino, and is celebrated in most countries of the world.

On this day, rallies of tourists, festivals and festivals dedicated to tourism and tourism business are held.

This is a holiday for everyone who has at least once felt like a traveler, having gotten out of the everyday hustle and bustle of the river bank, into the forest, in the field or to other places where you can freely get drunk without the risk of being expelled by all kinds of security!

World Maritime Day

World Maritime Day was established at the 10th session of the Assembly by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), celebrated since 1978. Included in the system of world and international days of the UN.

The purpose of the day is to draw the attention of mankind to the problems of the seas of planet Earth.

World Maritime Day is dedicated to the environmental safety of shipping, the conservation of biological resources. Until 1980 it was celebrated on March 17, but then it began to be celebrated on one of the days of the last week of September. In each country, the government itself determines a specific date.

Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord

On September 27, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. On this day the temple of the Resurrection of Christ was consecrated, which includes the Holy Sepulcher and Golgotha.

According to popular beliefs, on the Exaltation, the birds "shift" into flight, heading for the winter. Snakes, on this day also go to the winter quarters: they go out into the open places or climb trees to finally bask in the sun, weave into one big ball, and then hide under the ground, which then closes until the Annunciation (or St. George's Day).

By September 27, the celebration of the so-called third Autumnal was timed. For two weeks, according to popular tradition, girl parties, or cabbage parties, were held. Young people, moving from house to house, helped to prepare cabbage for the winter. Chopping cabbage is not a simple job, but a whole ceremony, and it was performed with different songs, accompanied by refreshments in the evenings.

Also on September 27...

1480 - the rulers of Spain, Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon, with the sanction of Pope Sixtus IV, established the Spanish Inquisition.

1540 - Pope Paul III approved the charter of the Jesuit Order, the Society of Jesus, created six years earlier by Ignatius Loyola.

1672 - ''Royal African Company'' (England) received a monopoly on the trade in slaves from Africa.

1822 - Jean Francois Champollion announced the decoding of the Rosetta Stone.

1825 - in England, traffic along the first public railway began. A locomotive designed by George Stephenson drove a train with 450 passengers from Darlington to Stockton at a speed of 24 km / h.

1863 - the first Russian nursery was opened in St. Petersburg.

1905 - Albert Einstein published the work "Does the inertia of the body depend on the energy contained in it?", Which proposed the famous E = mc².

1937 - in the town of Albion (New York), the first Santa Claus school was opened.

1972 - Gwyneth Paltrow, an American actress (''Seven'', ''Talented Mr. Ripley'', ''Iron Man'') was born.

1977 - the first current was given by the first nuclear power plant in Ukraine - the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

1984 - Avril Lavigne, a Canadian singer, actress, perfumer and designer, was born.

2001 - The Norwegian government establishes the Abel Prize for Mathematical Research. It is named after the Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel, founded by the Norwegian government in 2002, and since 2003, it has been awarded annually to outstanding mathematicians of our time. The monetary size of the prize is comparable to the size of the Nobel Prize and, in dollar terms, amounts to a little more than a million US dollars (in 2008, about 1.2 million US dollars). The aim of the founders of this award was not only the promotion of world-famous mathematicians, but also the wide advertising and popularization of modern mathematics, especially among young people.

2007 - American AWS ''Dawn'', designed to study the asteroids West and Ceres, was launched from the Canaveral Cosmodrome using the ''Delta-2'' launch vehicle.

2012 - first novel by J. K. Rowling for adults “A random vacancy” began to be sold in the UK.

2017 - died Hugh Hefner (b. 1926), American publisher, founder and chief editor of ''Playboy'' magazine.


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  3. Any way I'll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon. Big thanks for the useful info.


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