October 16, or Bread, Food, Boss's and Anesthesiologist’s Day


Zodiac Sign Libra

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LibraOctober 16The theme of judgment is central in the life of people born on this day.

They often ponder professional or personal decisions. The ability to assess a situation and see its essence is perceived by them as a completely natural quality.

Born on October 16, there are no preconceived ideas or deeply rooted prejudices, they never demand to follow their personal morals and are by no means closed to the perception of the outside world by natures.

On the contrary, those born on this day are generally quite liberal and ready for any new ideas and discussion of the most fantastic projects.

However, the analysis of the environment is for them rather an objective assessment, that is, an assessment of the proposed in terms of suitability in real categories.



Libra men born on October 16:
  • have the following distinctive features: 
  • aesthetic, 
  • sophisticated, 
  • cultural, 
  • sociable.
  • The Libra man is an excellent psychologist and advisor.
  • However, he himself hardly decides to take a crucial step, so the best companion for him is a woman who will be a support and assistant, instill confidence and help achieve his goals.
  • A family idyll for the representative of this sign is the main reward.

Libra women born on October 16:

  • are not like others with such differences of nature: 
  • patient, 
  • well-groomed, 
  • diplomatic, 
  • sociable.
  • Libra women are a little conservative, they like it when you can understand in advance what will happen next, they are not prone to adventures.
  • Conservatism is also manifested in the appearance of Libra women: having found their own style, they do not change it for many years. 
  • They dress elegantly and tastefully, but do not follow fashion trends, and extravagance and outrageousness are completely unacceptable for them.

World Bread Day

“Bread is the head of everything.” Russian proverb.
“Bread is the head of everything.” Russian proverb.

One of the most popular products in the world, without which, perhaps, not a single day of our life can be done, is, of course, bread. Therefore, it is not surprising that he has his own holiday - World Bread Day, which is celebrated annually on October 16.

The holiday was established in 2006 on the initiative of the International Union of Bakers and Pastry Bakers. And the choice of date is due to the fact that the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations was created on October 16, 1945, which was engaged in solving problems in the development of agriculture and its production.

Today in any country in the world, bread and bakery products enjoy the same love. Even now, when many adhere to various diets, replacing bread with low-calorie bread, galetnym cookies or crackers. People of different nationalities always treated the bread and their breadwinner with care and anxiety. He was given the most honorable place on the table, he was and remains a symbol of life. And in the old days bread was also the main sign of wealth in the family and well-being in the house.

By the way, the history of bread goes back several millennia.

By the way, the history of bread goes back several millennia. According to scientific research, the first bread products originated about 8 thousand years ago. Outwardly, they looked like cakes, prepared from grits and water and baked on hot stones.

But it is believed that the first yeast bread learned to do in Egypt. And already then bread was considered the breadwinner and was associated with the sun. And it was even designated with it (in early writing) by one symbol - around with a dot in the center.

And in the old days, white bread was mainly used by people from the upper class, and black and gray (because of the color) bread was considered food of the poor. Only in the 20th century, having learned about the benefits and nutritional value of rye and grain bread, and he began to enjoy greater popularity.

At present, in Christian churches parishioners are given communion with wine and bread, parents meet the young people on the threshold of the house with loaf and salt, and sending their relatives on a long journey, loving people always bring piece of bread. And although today many traditions have been forgotten, but true love and attitude towards for bread, of course, has been preserved. After all, he accompanies us from birth to old age.

Before bread gets into our house, a lot of workers and equipment are involved.

But before bread gets into our house, it makes a huge way (from growing grain, harvesting to producing flour and the product itself), a lot of workers and equipment are involved. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that bread has its own holiday. And today's holiday - World Day of Bread - is also a professional holiday of workers in the industry, and, of course, a tribute to the product, when all professionals associated with the production of bread, and bread themselves are honored.

In addition, this is another reason to attract the attention of the general public to the problems of hunger, poverty and malnutrition in the world.

Therefore, traditionally, on World Bread Day in many countries, various exhibitions of bread products, meetings of chefs, bakers and pastry chefs, fairs, master classes, festivities, as well as free distributions of bread to those in need, charity events and much more are held Everyone can not only try different varieties and types of bread and bakery products, but also learn about how bread appeared, its history and traditions, what it is made of, where it grew, how it is baked, etc.

On this festive and light day for all mankind, bakers from all over the world accept congratulations and our gratitude in a difficult and responsible task - baking a tasty, flavorful and healthy bread. Take part in this truly national holiday, and maybe it will help you to take a fresh look at our daily bread.

World Food Day

World Food Day is an international memorial date celebrated annually on October 16th. It was proclaimed in 1979 at a conference of the ''Food and Agriculture Organization'' (FAO) of the United Nations. This day marks the founding date of the FAO in 1945.

The purpose of the memorable date is to increase public awareness of the world food problem and strengthen solidarity in the fight against hunger, malnutrition and poverty.

The UN Secretary-General's message on World Food Day 2005, in particular, states that despite sufficient food, more than 850 million people in the world suffer from malnutrition. He called for redoubled efforts to achieve the first goal of the Millennium Declaration - to halve the proportion of people suffering from hunger and poverty.

Every year, the day is held under a specific motto.

Boss's Day or Bosses Day

Boss's Day or Bosses Day is a professional holiday for the leaders of groups of all levels, from the team leader to the president of the country.

It is generally accepted, that the idea of ​​holding this professional holiday of leaders of all ranks, belongs to the United States of America. Most online portals claim, that it was the American from Chicago, Patricia Bays Haroski in 1958, voiced the initiative to hold annually such a holiday. In the same 1958, Patricia registered "Boss Day" at the US Chamber of Commerce. It is possible that Patricia is preferred, because it was her initiative, that was first heard by an official. And in 1962 the Governor of the State of Illinois liked her idea and gave this date official status.

Patricia Haroski did not choose the date on October 16 by chance: she worked at ''State Insurance'' as a secretary for her father, whose birthday was exactly that day.

"Boss Day" quickly spread across the planet, and today it is celebrated not only in the United States, but also in the UK, Australia and South Africa.

Anesthesiologist’s Day

More than 160 years have passed since medicine found one of the most important components for saving human lives. This component - anesthesia - is now constantly used in surgical operations and even during a visit to the dentist. There are three different types of anesthesia - general, local and spinal.

And it all started in 1846 - on October 16 of this year, the dentist Thomas Morton performed, for the first time in the world, an operation under ether anesthesia. Since then, October 16th has been recognized worldwide as the Anesthesiologist’s Day.

Thanks to the discovery of Thomas Morton, thousands of human lives have been saved. Every day, anesthetists take part in surgeons, the outcome of which depends, among other things, on skill and abilities. Experienced, knowledgeable anesthetists are specialists worth its weight in gold, in no way inferior to cardiac surgeons or psychiatrists.

Also on October 16...

1758 - Noah Webster (d. 1843) was born, an American philologist, compiler of the American English Dictionary.

1813 - the "Battle of the Peoples" began near Leipzig (lasted until October 19), in which the troops of France, the Rhine Union, Poland, Austria, Prussia, Russia and Sweden participated; ended with a crushing defeat of the army of Napoleon and his first abdication.

1846 - at the clinic in Boston (USA) during the operation, the dentist William Morton first conducted a public demonstration of ether anesthesia.

1847 - Charlotte Bronte’s novel “Jane Eyre” was first published in London.

1854 - Oscar Wilde (d. 1900), Irish poet, playwright, prose writer, was born.

1890 - Paul Strand (d. 1976) was born, an American photographer, documentary filmmaker, one of the founders of documentary photography.

1923 - John Harwood patented a self-winding watch in Switzerland.

1923 - '' Walt Disney Company'' was founded.

1923 - Bert Kempert (b. 1980), a German composer, arranger, singer, orchestra leader, was the first person to offer the ''Beatles'' to sign a contract.

1925 - Angela Lansbury, an English film actress, was born.

1941 - the beginning of mass panic, anarchy and the flight of hundreds of thousands of senior workers with families and ordinary citizens from Moscow, due to the approach of German troops, and the secret evacuation of the top leadership and government of the country on the eve before, to the city of Kuibyshev.

1946 - Nazi criminals Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner, Rosenberg, Frank, Frik, Streicher, Sauckel, Jodl and Seyss-Inquart were executed in the building of the Nuremberg prison by the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal.

1947 - David Zucker was born, an American filmmaker and screenwriter ("Airplane!", "Top Secret!", "Ruthless People", "Naked Gun").

1956 - in the Pacific Ocean, the first known landing whith no casualties, of an airliner on water takes place.

1962 - Flea was born, the bass player of the American band ''Red Hot Chili Peppers''.

1964 - China conducted its first nuclear test.

1982 - US Secretary of State J. Schulz, threatened that America will leave the UN if Israel were expelled from there.

1982 - the appearance of Halley's comet in the vicinity of the Earth was recorded for the 30th time in the history of its observation.

2002 – ''Bibliotheca Alexandrina'' opens. This is a major library and cultural center located on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea in the Egyptian city of Alexandria. It is both a commemoration of the ''Library of Alexandria'' that was lost in antiquity, and an attempt to rekindle something of the brilliance that this earlier center of study and erudition represented.

2017 – ''Storm Ophelia'' strikes the U.K. and Ireland causing major damage and power loss. Was regarded as the worst storm to affect Ireland in 50 years, and was also the easternmost Atlantic major hurricane on record. The tenth and final consecutive hurricane and the sixth major hurricane of the very active 2017 Atlantic hurricane season.


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