September 25, or First Blood Transfusion and Comics Day


Zodiac Sign Libra

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LibraSeptember 25Born on this day have a curious relationship with society. On the one hand, their livelihood and ultimately success depend on it, and on the other, these people often openly criticize visible shortcomings, thereby trying to demonstrate how the existing order can be improved. Thus, their apparent negativity or critical assessments almost always lead to positive results.

Oddly enough, those born on this day are often considered as typical representatives of certain social circles, nationalities or ethnic groups, so closely they are associated with them in the opinion of others.

No one else, however, will be as critical of their loved ones, neighbors, city, region or state as they are. Consequently, their relationship with their native land is an interesting symbiosis, a kind of cohabitation, which can be both beneficial and disadvantageous for both parties at the same time.



Libra men born on September 25:
  • differ in the following properties: 
  • courteous, 
  • sociable, 
  • non-conflicting, 
  • harmonious.
  • Libra men are the most faithful and devoted companions in life.
  • They easily and unobtrusively create coziness and harmony in their surroundings, they are non-conflicting and agreeable, they love noisy companies and entertainment.
  • Representatives of this constellation are pleasant to talk to, always friendly, benevolent and cheerful.
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Libra women born on September 25:

  • are distinguished by special facets of temperament: 
  • charming, 
  • feminine, 
  • attractive, 
  • sophisticated.
  • Libra women are wise and economical.
  • At first glance docile and compliant, they invariably subordinate the course of events to their script.
  • They exert great influence on their companions, giving them subtle advice and guidance.
  • They like to control the situation and calculate all the risks before deciding on something.
Main event

English doctor James Blundell conducted the world's first operation of blood transfusion from person to person

September 25, 1818

James Blundell
James Blundell

Blood - one of the remedies known since antiquity - is a mobile internal environment of the body and performs important functions for the normal life of the body.

However, its appropriate application and development of methods for its conservation have become possible only recently, as has blood transfusion, that is, the insertion of blood with a therapeutic purpose into the vascular layer of the patient, as whole blood, and its cellular components and protein preparations of plasma.

Doctor James Blundell (1790-1878) - one of the founders of blood transfusion and child resuscitation - September 25, 1818, conducted the world's first operation of blood transfusion from person to person.

This British obstetrician gynecologist performed the first successful transfusion of human blood to a patient with postpartum hemorrhage. Using the patient's husband as a donor, Blundell took almost 4 ounces of blood from his hand and poured it out with a syringe.

In 1825-1830 he performed 10 transfusions, 5 of which helped patients. Blundell understood the seriousness of this procedure, therefore he developed the technology of blood sampling and transfusion quite clearly, and also invented the first convenient tools and published the results of his activity.

During the study, he noticed a number of defects that accompanied the procedure: coagulation, incompatibility, often leading to death of patients, and air embolism, and after all this Blundell proposed a number of monitoring methods. But he also noted that no monitoring is able to prevent fatal complications of blood transfusion.

Today in medicine there are effective methods, alternative to blood transfusion. Centers for bloodless medicine are being created. This trend is developing all over the world and represents a set of principles and methods aimed at maximizing the patient's own blood. And a great contribution to this important matter was made by James Blundell.


Comics day

Interestingly, America is not the birthplace of comics. Comics are an invention of Europeans. Although, in fairness, it is worth saying that drawings with brief signatures - graphic stories - have been known since time immemorial in rock paintings. It is also worth noting that the concept of "comic book" is common only in the English-American vocabulary and Russia.

In French - bande dessinee (or, in short - “BD”), in Italian - fumetti, in German - bilderbogen, in Serbian - strip, in Japanese - manga, in Chinese - lianhuanhua, in English - comic book (or comics), in Russian - comics.

The first example of "graphic prose" is considered the work of the English cartoonist and painter Thomas Rowlandson, entitled "Travel of Dr. Syntaxis in search of the picturesque."

USA actively picked up the genre, and in 1892 the first American comics “Teddy Bears and Tiger”, published in the Sunday ''New York World'' newspaper, saw the light of day.

The boom came in the 1920-1930s, from which the "golden age of comics" in the New World begins. Comics are becoming an integral part of popular culture, their genres are expanding - science fiction, detective stories, horrors, super-heroes.

The themes of modern comics literally cover the entire spectrum of human life: from love to hate, from war to peace. Special festivals and exhibitions dedicated to this art form are held all over the world.

To celebrate Comics Day, fans in the US usually follow some of the main principles of the day: “Buy a comic book or two, or ...”, “Read a comic book or two, or ...”, “Share the comics with your friends.” Also, in some comic book stores, to commemorate National Comics Day, campaigns are held to distribute comics for free or to sell them at a great discount.

June 1 in history (19 events): or Superman Birthday and Parents, Kids, Milk Day

Also on September 25...

1513 - Spanish conquistador Vasco de Balboa with his detachment crossed the Isthmus of Panama and became the first European to reach the Pacific Ocean.

1763 - on the orders of Catherine II in Moscow, the first public hospital in Russia, was opened.

1789 - US Congress proposed the adoption of 12 constitutional amendments, now known as the ''Bill of Rights''.

1881 - Lu Xun (d. 1936) was born, a Chinese writer, the founder of modern Chinese literature.

1897 - William Faulkner, American writer, Nobel Laureate of 1949 was born "for his significant and artistic point of view unique contribution to the development of modern American novel" ("Light in August", "City", "Mansion").

1906 - Spanish mathematician and engineer Leonardo Torres Quevedo demonstrated the world's first radio-controlled device - ''Telekino''.

1909 - French President Armand Fallier opened the first international aeronautical exhibition in Paris, which, for three days was visited by 10 thousand people. ''Bleriot XI'' aircraft was a ''prime'' of the exhibition, in which Louis Bleriot was the first to fly across the English Channel.

1910 - Walter Wellman, an American journalist, made an attempt to cross the North Atlantic on the America’s hydrogen airship. In two days the airship crew - five people and a dog - will be saved with great difficulty by the English ship ''Trent''.

1911 - one of the largest shipwrecks of the 20th century: in the crack chamber of the French squadron battleship “Liberté”, standing on the road-stead in Toulon, there was an explosion that killed 210 people; 184 were injured.

1926 - Henry Ford announced an 8-hour, 5-day work week.

1935 - in the USSR, prices for bread were reduced, cards for meat, fish, sugar were canceled.

1944 - Michael Douglas, American film actor, producer, ''Oscar'' winner, was born. ( ''The Streets of San Francisco'', ''Romancing the Stone'', ''The Jewel Of The Nile'', ''Basic Instinct'').

1952 - Christopher Reeve (d. 2004) was born, an American theater and film actor, director, screenwriter, and public figure. (''Superman'', ''Superman 2'', ''Superman III'').

1956 - born Jamie Heinemann, an American specialist in special effects, was the host of the television show "Мythbusters''.

1968 - for the first and so far only time the British hit parade was led by a Russian song - the romance “Along a long road”. True, it was called “Those Were the Days” there and was performed by Mary Hopkin in English.

1968 - Will Smith was born, an American film actor, director and hip-hop artist. In 2008, Will Smith topped the Forbes list of Hollywood's highest-paid actors, earning $ 80 million for the year. Smith was the first actor in Hollywood history to have nine films in a row grossing more than $ 100 million each.

1969 - Catherine Zeta-Jones, a British and American actress, winner of the Academy Award was born. (''Les 1001 nuits'', ''The Darling Buds of May'').

1970 - Erich Maria Remarque (born 1898), a German writer, died. (“On the Western Front Without Change”, “Three Comrades”, “Arc de Triomphe”

1974 - research journal first cites research evidence that aerosols contribute to the destruction of the Earth’s ozone layer.

1999 - Anna Shchetinina (b. 1908) died, the first woman was a sea captain.

1999 - the combined fortunes of America’s 400 richest people for the first time exceeded one billion dollars (this is equal to China’s national gross product).

2002 - in the vicinity of the Irkutsk region, the Vitim fireball fell. The car was recorded by a U.S. Air Force satellite and lost sight of it at an altitude of 30 km. According to eyewitnesses, the apparent size of the fireball was slightly smaller than the visible size of the Moon, and its light for a long time illuminated the night taiga. After the meteorite fell, a sound similar to an explosion was heard. At the scene of the fireball's fall, a picture very similar to the Tunguska event was observed, only on a slightly smaller scale (forest fall area of approximately 10 × 6 km, fire zone of 3 × 2 km).

2000 - an 82-year-old Israeli woman passed the car driving test for the 36th time only. She wanted to learn how to drive a car in order to visit her parents in Tel Aviv on her own, but unfortunately she studied for so long that her parents managed to die without waiting for her daughter's visit.

2003 - France built the largest passenger ship ''Queen Mary-2'' in shipbuilding history. The cost of its construction amounted to 910 million dollars. The height of the 21-decker reaches 72 m, while the liner is 345 meters in length. The horn of the ship is heard at a distance of 16 km. The liner is able to accommodate more than 3 thousand passengers.


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