October 11, or Girl Day


Zodiac Sign Libra

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October: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 
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LibraOctober 11Born on this day have a vivid imagination, love excitement, strive to be in the center of the event and believe that they have an important social role. However, they are often held back by their sensual nature and love of pleasure.

It is extremely important for them to find their proper place in this world, which is understandable, since those born on October 11 usually have a career in an area teeming with difficulties. They sometimes have to change jobs with enviable regularity before they find the area of ​​application for which they are best suited.

Regardless of their careers, those born on this day strive for social activity, because they do not tolerate an isolated lifestyle. Their fate is closely connected with the fate of those around them, so they will fully cope with the role of a representative of a group or an individual.


Libra men born on October 11:
  • have the following properties: 
  • harmonious, 
  • sophisticated, 
  • dreamy, 
  • attractive.
  • The Libra man is an excellent psychologist and advisor.
  • However, he himself hardly decides to take a crucial step, so the best companion for him is a woman who will be a support and assistant, instill confidence and help achieve his goals.
  • A family idyll for the representative of this sign is the main reward.

Libra women born on October 11:
  • stand out for their special features: 
  • peaceful, 
  • diplomatic, 
  • aesthetic, 
  • adaptable.
  • Libra women are a little conservative, they like it when you can understand in advance what will happen next, they are not prone to adventures.
  • Conservatism is also manifested in the appearance of Libra women: having found their own style, they do not change it for many years. 
  • They dress elegantly and tastefully, but do not follow fashion trends, and extravagance and outrageousness are completely unacceptable for them.

International Day of the Girl Child

Healthy and happy girls - happy moms in the future
Healthy and happy girls - happy moms in the future

October 11 is International Day of the Girl Child, which was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 2011 in recognition of the rights of girls.

This date calls to focus on the need to solve the problems faced by girls around the world and to encourage the empowerment and applying of girls rights.

Girls-teenagers have the right for safety, education and health, not only in the period of critical formation, but also as they grow into women. With effective support during adolescence, girls can realize their potential and change the world for the better by becoming mothers, workers, entrepreneurs, mentors, household heads, and political leaders.

Today, 1 billion young people live in the world, including 600 million teenage girls. They all have tremendous potential to transform our future. However, they face discrimination and harassment every day, anywhere in the world.

Investing (social, economic and political) in empowering adolescent girls ensures their rights today and promise a fairer and more prosperous future, one in which the beautiful half of humanity is an equal partner in tackling climate change, resolving political conflict, ensuring economic growth , disease prevention and sustainable development.

Over the past 15 years, the global community has made significant progress in improving the lives of girls in early childhood. However, it is clearly not enough to invest in solving the problems girls face when entering the second decade of their lives. It is about getting a quality secondary and higher education, the ability to avoid marriage in childhood, providing them with information and services related to sexual maturity and reproductive health, and the ability to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and gender-based violence.

Lina Medina is the youngest mother in medical history.
Lina Medina is the youngest mother in medical history. At the age of 5 years, 7 months and 17 days,
on May 14, 1939, Lina gave birth to a boy through a cesarean section.
Lina’s son weighed 2.7 kg at birth and was named Gerardo, after  the doctor who gave birth. The boy was raised, considering Lina to be his sister, until the age of ten he learned the truth. He grew up healthy, but died at the age of forty in 1979 from a bone marrow disease.

Investment is needed to break the vicious circle in which one generation inherits from another generation poverty, violence, social exclusion and discrimination, and to achieve fair and sustainable development results. Therefore, each year the activities of the Day are devoted to a specific topic.

For the first time, the girls day was celebrated in 2012 and was devoted to a problem that is relevant for many countries around the world - child marriage, which constitutes a violation of basic human rights and negatively affects all aspects of girls' lives, depriving them of their childhood, and threatening the health and lives of girls.

In 2013, the Day was devoted to the theme “An innovative approach to the education of girls”, which is also relevant for modern society. Indeed, despite the significant progress achieved in recent years in the accessibility of education for girls, many of them are still deprived of this basic right for a number of reasons, including: financial difficulties of the family, poor quality of education in some countries, household chores and others.

In 2014, in recognition of the important role of investing and empowering girls in their teens, as well as preventing and eliminating the various forms of violence to which they are subjected, the theme of the Day was “Empowering teenage girls: ending the cycle of violence".

The theme of the Day of 2015 was: “Invest today to help contribute to the development of our world tomorrow,” which continued the theme of 2014 about the need and the important role of investing and empowering girls in their teens.

In 2016, the theme of the Day was: "Improving the status of girls means progress in achieving goals: what is important for girls." To take into account the factors affecting the situation of girls around the world, information gathering is necessary. This will identify ways to solve the problems that girls face, and will also help in developing appropriate strategies and programs.

In 2017, the Girls' Day marks the beginning of many years of work aimed at stimulating global attention and action in front of the challenges and opportunities that girls face before, during and after crises.

And in 2018, launched a campaign to bring together partners and stakeholders to draw attention to the need for investment and address the most pressing problems of girls, as well as to expand their employment opportunities.

And today, on the International Day of the Girl Child, all states are encouraged to hold thematic events dedicated to discussing possible ways to solve the problems of girls.

Also on October 11...

1138 - earthquake in Aleppo, the victims of which were 230 thousand people.

1521 - Pope Leo PP. X awarded the King Henry VIII of England the title ''Defender of the Faith'' (Latin ''FIDEI DEFENSOR'') for the royal pamphlet directed against Martin Luther. When the king broke with the Vatican due to marriage problems, another pope, Paulus PP III, stripped the king of his honorary title, but the English parliament regained the king’s favorite title, and he still appears in the full royal title.

1708 - Ehrenfried Walter von Chirnhaus (b. 1651), German philosopher, mathematician, inventor of European white porcelain, died.

1852 - ''University of Sydney'', the first university in Australia began work.

1853 - the first clearing bank in America was opened in New York.

1861 - John Bell Hatcher (d. 1904) was born, an American paleontologist who discovered triceratops.

1881 - a resident of North Dakota (USA) David Houston patented the photo film strip.

1887 - American inventor Thomas Alva Edison patented an electric machine for counting votes in elections.

1889 - James Prescott Joule (b. 1818), an English physicist who made a significant contribution to the development of thermodynamics, died.

1891 - Stockholm opens the world's first ethnographic open-air museum, ''Skansen''.

1918 - the first radio-controlled flight took place (France). It lasted one hour, the plane covered a distance of 100 km.

1919 - for the first time, breakfast on an airplane was offered by ''Handley Page Transport''. A lunch basket cost three shillings per serving.

1951 - Jean-Jacques Goldman, one of the most popular French performing artists, was born.

1958 - an attempt to launch the automatic interplanetary station ''E-1 - 2'' towards the Moon (the flight program included getting the station into the visible disk of the Moon) was made from the ''Baikonur Cosmodrome''. ''Vostok-L 8K72'' launch vehicle crashed, shortly after launch and exploded.

1961 - the first underground nuclear explosion was carried out at the Semipalatinsk test site.

1962 - Joan Cusack, American actress ("Sixteen Candles", "Addams Family Values", "In & Out", "Runaway Bride"), was born.

1963 - Jean Cocteau (b. 1889), a French writer, poet, playwright, artist, screenwriter, and film director, died. One of the largest figures of French culture of the XX century.

1965 - Dorothea Lange (b. 1895), American photojournalist, the most important representative of documentary photography.

1967 - Stanley Morison (b. 1889), an English typographer, font designer, and book printing historian, died. Working in "Times'', in 1931, he publicly criticized ''Times'' for print quality, and after this he was asked to create a new, easy-to-read font. ''Times New Roman'' was developed by Morison in collaboration with Victor Larden. In addition to ''Times'', Morison developed fonts for ''Monotype'', such as ''Blado'' (1923) and ''Bembo'' (1929).

1984 - the first American female astronaut - Kathryn Dwyer "Kathy" Sullivan went into outer space (''STS-41G'' flight on the ''Challenger'' spacecraft) .

1999 - as stated by the British astronomer John Murray, based on his calculations, around the Sun in a tenth orbit a huge planet moves, larger than Jupiter.

1999 -  in France, a new Marianne was elected - a woman whose appearance would represent a symbol of the republic - the famous top model Laetitia Maria Laure Casta, which was selected among other applicants by mayors of French cities.


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