October 3, or Fight Against Alcoholism Day


Zodiac Sign Libra

September: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
October: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 
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LibraOctober 3Born on this day are sensitive to social trends.

They not only follow fashion, but often become trendsetters, at least in their social environment.

They find special pleasure in stylish clothes, well-furnished houses, stuffed with the latest electronics cars, trendy ideas, that is, they strive to be super-modern in any sense of the word. At the same time, they willingly pay tribute to tradition, which is the key to their success.

Born 3 October do not like it when they try to limit them to the framework of a narrow professional interest. They are interested in everything that happens around them, and they can easily become experts in more than one area.



Libra men born on October 3:
  • have the following traits:
  • educated, 
  • friendly, 
  • cultured, 
  • balanced.
  • The Libra man is an excellent psychologist and advisor.
  • However, he himself hardly decides to take a crucial step, so the best companion for him is a woman who will be a support and assistant, instill confidence and help achieve his goals.
  • A family idyll for the representative of this sign is the main reward.
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Libra women born on October 3:

  • characterized by the following properties:
  • patient, 
  • hospitable, 
  • well-groomed, 
  • peaceful.
  • Libra women are a little conservative, they like it when you can understand in advance what will happen next, they are not prone to adventures.
  • Conservatism is also manifested in the appearance of Libra women: having found their own style, they do not change it for many years. 
  • They dress elegantly and tastefully, but do not follow fashion trends, and extravagance and outrageousness are completely unacceptable for them.
Main event

World Day of Temperance and Fight Against Alcoholism

On this day, state and public organizations hold lectures, seminars, exhibitions devoted to alcoholism and the problems caused by this disease.

Every year, on October 3, in many countries, activities within the framework of World Day of Temperance and Fight Against Alcoholism are held. This date is not among the official ones, since it does not have such a status and was not established by any of the international organizations. Nevertheless, doctors and social workers around the world are sounding the alarm and urge humanity to pay attention to the problem of alcoholism and its consequences.

Spread of alcohol consumption among young people and teenagers is a particular caution. Often law enforcement, social security and medical institutions are faced with cases of alcohol poisoning among older students.

It is believed that October 3 was chosen as the date of the World Day of Temperance and Fight Against Alcoholism in memory of John Finch - a public figure of the United States of the late 19th century, struggling with drunkenness. Throughout his life, this man dedicated to the education of the population of the state in which he lived, conducting lectures and seminars on the topic of the harm of alcohol and the fight against alcoholism.

On this day, state and public organizations hold lectures, seminars, exhibitions devoted to alcoholism and the problems caused by this disease. At these events, narcologists, psychologists and psychiatrists talking, which indicates the nature of the disease, which is, in fact, an addiction. Youth organizations, attracting volunteers, carry out flash mobs and distribute leaflets and booklets calling at least once a year to completely abandon the use of any type of alcoholic beverages.

The state policy is to restricting the sale of alcohol by the age, a time limit on the sale of alcohol, prohibiting the advertising of alcohol products through the media, and educational activities through public and health institutions.

There are many reasons for wanting to drink alcohol: this is the desire to relieve fatigue, get rid of depression, celebrate the holiday with a cheerful feast, just raise your mood, etc. However, the consequences of systematic use of alcohol lead to the dependence of the body on alcohol.

Among the consequences of the use of alcoholic beverages, fatal cases are frequent when a person dies because of the poisoning with poor-quality alcohol or simply an overdose, when the amount of alcohol consumed becomes too large.

Alcohol addiction becomes the cause of many other diseases. Among them are: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, brain, nervous system and others. It is important to remember that alcoholism is not only detrimental to human health, but also destroys it as a person, increasing the risk of asocial behavior. The propensity to violence, unreasonable risk, worsening of the reaction are becoming frequent causes of road accidents, domestic violence, criminal acts, etc. Destroying himself as a person, an alcoholic destroys the world around him, causing pain and suffering to his relatives and friends.

Among the systematic actions to combat the alcoholization of the population, States are invited to develop and implement a whole range, including such as tax regulation of sales and regulation of the pricing system of alcoholic beverages, promotion of healthy lifestyles, provision of advertising time for social advertising of public health and education with involvement of experts of the corresponding level, the law of responsibility in the commission of an offense or crime in a drunken state, the development of an affordable and effective system for the treatment of people with alcohol dependence.

Also on October 3...

1803 - John Gorrie (d. 1855) was born, an American doctor, inventor of refrigeration units (1851 - the first patent in the United States for a mechanical refrigerator).

1863 - US President Abraham Lincoln declared every fourth Thursday of November as a Thanksgiving Day.

1864 - Elias Howe (b. 1819), American technician, entrepreneur, one of the inventors of the sewing machine, died.

1891 - Amtkel Lake was formed as a result of a strong earthquake in Abkhazia.

1897 - Louis Aragon was born (real name Louis-Marie Andrieux; d. 1982), French poet, founder of surrealism (Holy Week, Real World, Roman Theater), member of the Resistance.

1910 - Lucy Taylor (born 1833), the first American woman dentist, died.

1925 - Gore Vidal (d. 2012) was born, an American writer, essayist, film and theater playwright, a recognized classic of American literature of the second half of the 20th century. A prominent figure in the cultural and political life of the United States over the past sixty years.

1941 - American chemists Lyle D. Goodhue and William Sullivan patented an aerosol container for spraying insecticides.

1942 - the first successful launch of the ''V-2'' rocket.

1945 - at the age of 10, Elvis Presley took part in the competition of young talents and won the second prize. For the song "Old Sheep", he received $ 5.

1945 - ''The World Federation of Trade Unions'' was formed.

1952 - first magnetic tape recording of a video image in Los Angeles.

1956 - the world's first atomic watch for commercial sale, ''Atomichron'', was demonstrated in New York.

1967 - the North American ''X-15A-2'' experimental rocket plane developed a speed of 7297 km / h, 6.72 times more of the speed of sound.

1971 - Kevin Scott Richardson was born, an American musician, singer, member of the ''Backstreet Boys''.

1973 - Lina Headey, a British actress, was born. Best known for her role as Cersei Lannister in the television series ''Game of Thrones'' (2011-2019), for which she received five nominations for the ''Emmy Award'' and one nomination for the ''Golden Globe''.

1995 - premiere of the cult anime series ''Evangelion'' on ''TV Tokyo''.

1999 - Akio Morita (b. 1921), a Japanese entrepreneur, founder of ''Sony Corporation'', died.

2002 - stock prices of Japanese banks fell catastrophically - in some cases they fell by 15%, the maximum level of decline according to the rules of the Tokyo exchange.

2003 - Tibetans held their own beauty contest: only 1 girl ventured to appear on it. Organizers received 10 applications, but as a result only one of them decided to participate in the competition - Tsering Kyi, 20 years old. Kyi received ''Miss Tibet'' title and $ 2,000 prize.

2003 - In Dublin, a giant moving monument to the wave was unveiled. The sculpture is 35.3 m high and can fluctuate in diameter up to 6 meters with a gust of wind, and yet it returns to its original position thanks to a 9-ton counterweight built into the structure.

2004 - Janet Lee (b. 1927), an American actress, winner of the Golden Globe Award, died. American actress, singer, Academy Award nominee and Golden Globe winner. Best known for the films ''Psycho'' by Alfred Hitchcock and ''The Seal of Evil'' by Orson Welles.


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