October 23,The first iPod appeared


Zodiac Sign Libra

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October: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 
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LibraOctober 23Libra, born on this day, has a bright personality and attractiveness that makes it easy to grab attention and win fans.

Born 23 October rarely manage to achieve stability in all aspects of their life. No matter how hard they try to balance their energy, one area will always remain unaffected.

Somehow, contradiction accompanies them in everything.

They quickly get bored with monotony and often seek entertainment. Therefore, what usually depresses and seems difficult to others, they may like it.


Libra men born on October 23:
  • can be proud of the following qualities: 
  • diplomatic, 
  • charming, 
  • unsurpassed demagogue, 
  • sophisticated.
  • The Libra man is an excellent psychologist and advisor.
  • However, he himself hardly decides to take a crucial step, so the best companion for him is a woman who will be a support and assistant, instill confidence and help achieve his goals.
  • A family idyll for the representative of this sign is the main reward.

Libra women born on October 23:

  • are distinguished by special properties: 
  • thoughtful, 
  • fair, 
  • sophisticated, 
  • peaceful.
  • Libra women are a little conservative, they like it when you can understand in advance what will happen next, they are not prone to adventures.
  • Conservatism is also manifested in the appearance of Libra women: having found their own style, they do not change it for many years. 
  • They dress elegantly and tastefully, but do not follow fashion trends, and extravagance and outrageousness are completely unacceptable for them.
Main event of the day

iPod first generation. Cropped from Image:Lightmatter_ipodvsmini.jpg, author Aaron Logan

October 23, 2001

The first iPod appeared

On October 23, 2001, Apple announced the release of its iconic iPod player, which could store 1000 songs of various formats.

The iPod was not the first MP3 player, but it had a simple interface and an internal hard drive.

Despite some shortcomings, including an unstable steering wheel, incompatibility with Windows and a high price of $ 400, its sales exceeded all expectations, and it revolutionized the music industry.

In 2004, the millionth iPod was sold, and the success of this product increased with the release of versions for Windows, after which new models came out, including the Mini, Shuffle and Nano.


Mole Day (6:02 10/23 in the American time and date notation) is celebrate on October 23rd between 6:02 am and 6:02 pm by chemists in North America. These times and dates come from the Avogadro number, which is approximately 6.02 · 1023 and determines the number of particles (atoms, molecules, etc.) contained in one mole of a substance, one of the seven basic units of the SI system.

Also on this day ...

In 787, the Ecumenical Council of the Christian Church established the order of veneration of icons, preserved to this day.

1814 - in London, the surgeon Joseph Carpyou performed the first plastic surgery in Europe. He performed rhino-plastic using the “Indian” method.

1920 - Gianni Rodari, Italian children's writer (“The Adventures of Chipollino”, “The Magic Voice of Gelsomino”) was born.

1940 - Pele was born (Edson Arantes do Nascimento), an outstanding Brazilian footballer (forward), three-time world champion.

1947 - for the first time, spouses became Nobel laureates. American biochemists Gerty and Carl Corey, "for the discovery of the catalytic conversion of glycogen," were awarded a prize in physiology and medicine by immigrants from Austria.

1952 - Charlie Chaplin’s premiere film, Ramp Lights, premiered in New York.

1958 - Boris Pasternak was named the Nobel Prize in Literature.

1976 - born Ryan Reynolds, American actor ("The Buried Alive", "Trump Aces", "Beyond / Yourself").

1998 - Ukrainian hackers, using computers, robbed the Vinnitsa branch of the National Bank for UAH 80.4 million (over $ 20 million).

1995 - the first operation on implantation of the heart, working from a miniature current source.

2000 - Chinese archaeologists discovered a museum of musical instruments, which was established 2,000 years ago, in the era of the Han dynasty.

2000 - scientists of the University of Pennsylvania discovered the oldest bacteria, which, according to their estimates, are about 250 million years old.

2000 - US President Bill Clinton signed a decree on the allocation of 58 (!) Billion dollars to establish a national standard for drinking and driving. According to the document, the driver’s blood can now contain no more than 0.08% alcohol.

2001 - The first generation of the now iconic iPod player is introduced.

2002 - there were sensational changes in the life of Oxford University. Announcement of the dissolution of a special service, which for nearly eight hundred years followed the order in a British university. The internal police, in particular, observed how students spend their free time. She had to remind them that more time should be spent in libraries than in bars.


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