October 5, or Smile and Teacher's Day


Zodiac Sign Libra

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October: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 
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LibraOctober 5Born on on this day - fighters for a just cause. They fight for the truth as they understand it and do whatever they can to expose and confront injustice, corruption, oppression. Not content with this, they often convince friends, family, and colleagues to help them fix the situation.

Those born on this day act equally decisively both in personal relationships and in the highest echelons of society.

Likewise, those born on October 5 insist on fair treatment of themselves and do not tolerate insults to their dignity. Fair play is so prominent in their speeches and deeds that they are sometimes even accused of using a just cause for their own ends. 

This may be true or not, but those born on October 5 usually first of all decide matters of principle, and then turn to private matters. They may even go too far in this - up to self-sacrifice and self-denial, giving up the things that are most pleasant to them for the sake of ideals and the welfare of others.

They need to correct this behavior, since sooner or later personal needs and needs will undoubtedly make themselves known, and they will have to give up their post or sharply limit their responsibilities, leaving those who are used to depending on them in a difficult position.


Libra men born on October 5:
  • can be proud of the following characteristics:
  • popular, 
  • fair, 
  • non-conflicting, 
  • shy.
  • The Libra man is an excellent psychologist and advisor.
  • However, he himself hardly decides to take a crucial step, so the best companion for him is a woman who will be a support and assistant, instill confidence and help achieve his goals.
  • A family idyll for the representative of this sign is the main reward.
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Libra women born on October 5:

  • endowed with such facets of temperament:
  • sensitive, 
  • peaceful, 
  • fair, 
  • hospitable.
  • Libra women are a little conservative, they like it when you can understand in advance what will happen next, they are not prone to adventures.
  • Conservatism is also manifested in the appearance of Libra women: having found their own style, they do not change it for many years. 
  • They dress elegantly and tastefully, but do not follow fashion trends, and extravagance and outrageousness are completely unacceptable for them.
Main event

World Smile Day

Harvey Ball
Harvey Ball

World Smile Day is celebrated annually on the first Friday of October. The fact that this wonderful holiday exists, the world is obliged to the artist Harvey Ball. In the middle of the 20th century, he lived in America. His works had nothing remarkable: the critics were not particularly interested in him, immortality was not an option for his paintings.

But someday he was approached by representatives of the State Mutual Life Assurance Company of America, an insurance company, asking to come up with some vivid and memorable symbol - the company's business card. Harvey did not think long, and offered to customers what all Internet users without exception now call the “emoticon” - a smiling yellow face.

It happened in 1963. The customers accepted the job, paid Bell a fifty dollars, made badges with this face and distributed it to all the company staff. The success of such a "business card" surpassed all expectations. The company's customers were delighted with the innovation - in just a few months more than ten thousand badges were released! Very soon, a pretty face began to appear on T-shirts, baseball caps, envelopes, postcards, matchboxes. Even the US Post Office issued a stamp with this symbol.

Bell was literally bursting with pride. “Never before in the history of mankind and art has been a single work that, having spread so widely, would bring so much happiness, joy and pleasure. There was nothing that was so simple, but made clear to everyone, ” he said in one of his many interviews.

World Smile Day was first celebrated in 1999. The artist believed that this day should be devoted to a good mood, the motto of the Day are the words: “Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile ”. And since then, this holiday is celebrated by enthusiasts around the world with various promotions and flash mobs.

September 19 is the birthday of the Smiley.


World Teacher's Day

World Teacher's Day was founded by UNESCO in 1994. Celebrated on October 5th.

On this day in 1966, a conference convened by UNESCO and the International Labor Organization adopted the Recommendation “On the Status of Teachers” - the first international document defining the working conditions of teachers. World Teachers' Day is part of the UN World and International Days.

This day is designed to draw attention to the position of teachers in society, their role in education and development. Over 100 countries celebrate World Teachers' Day, sometimes a separate national Teacher's Day is celebrated.

Also on October 5...

1502 - Christopher Columbus discovered Costa Rica.

1713 - Denis Didro was born (d. 1784), a French writer, philosopher, enlightener, and encyclopedist.

1823 - first medical journal ''Lancet'' began to be published in England.

1864 - Louis Jean Lumiere (d. 1948) was born, a French inventor, creator of cinema, the youngest of the Lumiere brothers.

1882 - Robert Goddard (d. 1945) was born, an American scientist, one of the pioneers of modern rocketry.

1902 - Ray Crock (d. 1984) was born, an American restaurateur, creator of the ''McDonald’s ''restaurant network.

1921 - International ''PEN Club'' was founded in London.

1947 - Brian Johnson, a British musician and poet, vocalist of the Australian rock band AC / DC, was born.

1958 - Andre Kuipers, the Dutch cosmonaut, was born.

1962 - ''Beatles'' first single, ''Love Me Do'', is released in the UK.

1962 - Tod Browning (b. 1880), American film director, actor and screenwriter, one of the founders of the horror film genre, died.

1967 - ''British Tennis Association'' proposed removing the division of athletes into amateurs and professionals and making the competition open to all.

1980 - Joachim Broden, a Swedish musician, vocalist of the Swedish heavy metal band ''Sabaton'', was born.

1996 - Seymour Cray (b. 1925), an American engineer, developer of supercomputers, died.

2011 - Steve Jobs (b. 1955), one of the founders and former CEO of Apple, died.


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