October 7, or "Order of the Elephant"


Zodiac Sign Libra

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October: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 
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LibraOctober 7Born on on this day have a rebellious character, which will sooner or later affect their lives.

Those born on this day are convinced of the correctness of their own views, which most often are in direct conflict with the norms of society or environment.

Their drive to protest is usually accompanied by a desire to change things for the better the way they understand it.

Accordingly, they tenaciously strive for a commanding position that gives them the right to make such changes.

However, those born on this day do not suffer from personal ambition, they need power to achieve social ideals.

Libra men born on October 7:
  • boast the following characteristics:
  • dreamy, 
  • fair, 
  • sophisticated, 
  • charming.
  • The Libra man is an excellent psychologist and advisor.
  • However, he himself hardly decides to take a crucial step, so the best companion for him is a woman who will be a support and assistant, instill confidence and help achieve his goals.
  • A family idyll for the representative of this sign is the main reward.
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Libra women born on October 7:

  • possess the following facets of temperament:
  • refined, 
  • patient, 
  • pliable, 
  • feminine.
  • Libra women are a little conservative, they like it when you can understand in advance what will happen next, they are not prone to adventures.
  • Conservatism is also manifested in the appearance of Libra women: having found their own style, they do not change it for many years. 
  • They dress elegantly and tastefully, but do not follow fashion trends, and extravagance and outrageousness are completely unacceptable for them.
Main event

Niels Bohr received the highest national award - the Order of the Elephant

October 7, 1947

Order of the Elephant. Author of the photo shakko
Order of the Elephant. Author of the photo shakko.

On October 7, 1947, on his 62nd birthday, one of the founders of atomic physics, Niels Bohr, received from the King of Denmark Frederick IX the highest national award, the Elephant Order.

The Order of the Elephant is the most original sign of all the awards of the world. All other insignia, even with all the rarity and unusualness of their forms, were conceived as more or less flat, so that with one side they could fit snugly to clothing.

The Order is an elephant coated with white enamel and decorated with diamonds. With a battle turret, in front of which sits a dark-skinned driver. It is believed that the exotic order was established by the Danish knights after winning the Third Crusade over the Saracens, who fought on elephants.

In heraldry, this emblem symbolizes wisdom, justice, generosity and other noble qualities.

In Denmark, he is constantly found in other awards, as well as in artistic prints and various works of art, which are largely saturated with allegories.

Niels Bohr was noted not only as the patriarch of science, but also as a humanist who sought to prevent the nuclear race.

Also on October 7...

3761 BC e. - the date of creation of the world, from which comes the countdown in Judaism.

1737 - the first iron smelting in Canada was carried out in St. Maurice (Quebec).

1796 - Thomas Reed (b. 1710), founder of the Scottish school of philosophy of "common sense" died.

1806 - the first carbon paper was patented in England.

1849 - James Whitcomb Riley (d. 1916) was born, an American poet who became one of the most famous and best-selling writers. During his lifetime, he was known as the “Hoosier Poet” and “Children’s Poet”.

1885 - Niels Bohr (d. 1962) was born, a Danish theoretical physicist and public figure, one of the founders of modern physics.

1896 - John Down (b. 1828), a British scientist who discovered ''Down syndrome'', died.

1919 - the oldest airline, the ''Dutch KLM'' (Royal Netherlands Airlines), was founded.

1920 - first hundred women are admitted to ''Oxford University''.

1939 - Harvey Cushing (b. 1869), an American neurosurgeon, pioneer of brain surgery, died.

1944 - at the conference in Dumbarton Oaks (USA), USA, Great Britain, the USSR and China decided to replace the ''League of Nations'' with the ''United Nations''.

1959 - Dylan Baker, an American actor, was born.

1959 - ''Luna-3'' spacecraft first flew over the Moon. The device took the first pictures of its reverse side and transmitted images to Earth.

1964 - Sam Brown, an English singer, was born.

1967 - Tony Braxton, an American singer and songwriter, actress, was born.

1968 - Tom York, the vocalist of the British band ''Radiohead'', was born.

1966 - all Chinese students were expelled from the USSR.

1971 - in New York, the premiere of the film "French Connection" with Gene Hackman in the title role. Later, the film was awarded four ''Oscars''.

1971 - recording company ''Motown Records'' released the first single, ''Got to Be There'', by Michael Jackson, who was then 13 years old. By the end of the year, the song came into the ''Top 10'' of the American charts, and at the beginning of the next it will be in the top ten of the British.

1982 - the premiere of the musical "Cats" by British authors Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice was held in New York. In September 2000, his last - 7485th - performance on Broadway took place. The musical was the longest Broadway show until it was outstripped by "The Phantom of the Opera". On 2018, it is the fourth, longest performed Broadway show. By 1994, the musical had raised $ 2 billion worldwide. The musical is translated into 15 languages and staged in more than 30 countries and brought together 73 million people worldwide.

1999 - British scientists announced the possible existence of the tenth, farthest and largest, planet of the solar system.

1999 - the world's first computer virus was discovered, introducing itself to the highest level of ''Windows NT'' security - the area of system drivers. This feature makes the virus difficult to treat in memory by many antivirus programs.

2013 - Joanna Khmelevskaya (b. 1932), a Polish writer, author of ironic detectives, died.


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